Page 66 of Vegas Duology


I was beginningto feel claustrophobic.All around me were pictures of weddings, flowers, and cakes lining the walls of the tiny meeting room.Photo albums were stacked on the table and Nicole was flipping through one, stopping on every page to comment on some detail that I probably would never have noticed.

"With her hair twisted up, you can see her earrings," Nicole said, pointing to the bride in the picture."Do you think I should wear mine up?"

Before I could answer, she'd turned to the next page and was criticizing the bride's choice of flower arrangements.I grabbed a peppermint from a bowl on the table and popped it in my mouth.

Ignoring her, I glanced at my watch.It had been fifteen minutes since the concierge had brought us to the meeting room.The wedding planner was late.

"What time did you say she was supposed to be here?"I asked.

"One.And it's not a she," Nicole said, not taking her eyes off the album."The lady I was dealing with left.I have someone new.A guy, I think."

I choked on the mint and started coughing.Nicole handed me her water bottle and smacked me on the back.

"Are you okay?"she asked after I took a few sips of water and the coughing subsided.

"I think so."I took another gulp of water."A guy?"I asked.


"The wedding planner," I said."He's a guy?You have a guy?"My heart was racing out of my chest.All morning, every dark-haired man I saw had made me take a second look.I was being paranoid.

There was no way Leo was planning weddings now.Besides, this wasn't even his hotel.But he did work in customer relations way back when.And that must have been him I saw last night.

No.No way.

I dismissed the idea.It was too ridiculous to even think about.Besides, it could be anybody.

"Is that so crazy?Men can plan weddings, can't they?"Nicole was asking.

"What's his name?"

"I don't know.Ryan took the message and you know how he can be with details."She rolled her eyes."So, I guess we'll find out.Why, what's going on?Why do you look so weird?"

I blushed and focused on a photo of a poolside wedding."I just thought for a minute..."

There was a reason Nicole was my best friend.She knew everything, and what she didn't know, she could figure out pretty fast."It's not..."she said, the realization hitting her."No way.You don't think?"

"I don't know," I said, looking at her."It's possible, I guess.But it's dumb.Forget it."

"Is he even still here?After all these years?"

"I honestly don't know," I said, "but I thought maybe I saw him last night.It's stupid.It couldn't have been him, though.This city has me acting all crazy."

Nicole stared at me."That would be crazy."

"Crazy," I murmured.

"Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we?"Nicole grinned.

I panicked.Any second the door would open and he could walk in.I'd die.What if he recognized me?

Worse, what if he didn't?

I pushed back the chair and stood up to leave.

"Lexi, you can't—"