Page 54 of Vegas Duology


Encouraged by our kiss earlier,I hadn't bothered to pull my book out of my bag before checking it, thinking Andrew and I could spend the time talking and maybe flirting a little bit.But the moment passed before we even boarded and he spent the flight reading over client documents, with his iPod plugged into his ears.Before the drinks were served, I tried to distract him and slid my hand down his leg under the tray table.

"Lexi, I need to get this done," he said and took my hand off his leg and placed it back into my lap."Wouldn't you rather I do it now?"

"I thought you were all caught up on work," I said, looking down.I wouldn't let him see that his rejection had hurt me."Wasn't that the point of working so hard for the past few weeks?"

"I'm never caught up," he said and returned to his papers, shutting me out.

I tried to pass the time flipping through the in-flight magazine and surfing the complimentary channels on the seat back television.

After we claimed our baggage, Andrew turned to me and said, "Okay, I'm all yours."He smiled at me in a way that used to melt me.I felt myself relax a little bit, but the mood from earlier was gone.

"Let's go check in," I said.

Andrew pulled me close and kissed my neck."Absolutely," he said, and I thought of the black negligee in my suitcase.

I can make this work.

"I can't wait," I said and together we started off in search of a cab to take us to the hotel.

We'd only gone a few steps when a voice called from behind us."Lexi.Andrew.Over here."

I turned and saw Ryan, waving his hands over his head.

"I guess we have a welcoming committee," I said and crossed the busy terminal floor.

"So much for the hotel," I heard Andrew mutter behind me.

Nicole and Ryan had arrived in Vegas two days ago to make the final arrangements and relax by the pool before the big day.We weren't supposed to meet up with them until tomorrow morning.

"Hey, Ryan," I said as I approached.He took my bag and gave me a hug.

"How was the flight?"

"Fine.Where's Nicole?"If Ryan was here, she should be here somewhere.I glanced around but couldn't spot her.

"Hey, man," Andrew said, coming to stand next to me."What's with the welcome?I thought you were going to be busy with your bride-to-be."

"Well, that's the thing," Ryan said and ran his hand through his hair.It was then I could see how worried he looked.He did not look like a man on holiday about to get married.

"What's going on?"I asked."Is everything okay?"

Ryan nodded and said, "Come on.Let's go.I'll tell you on the way."

We followed him outside, where a limousine was waiting for us."Nice," Andrew said as we slid inside.

I couldn't enjoy our plush transportation; worry grew for my friend."Ryan," I said as soon as we were all inside."What's going on?"

"Don't panic; everything's okay.Well, maybe not okay exactly."Ryan grabbed a beer from the cooler in the seat."Want one?"he asked Andrew."There's champagne too, but I'm more of a beer guy."

Andrew accepted the beer; I declined the champagne and tried to be patient as Ryan sucked down half the bottle before continuing with his story.

"Nic is in our suite.Everything was fine until this morning.I really don't know what happened.She woke up and totally freaked out.She's having second thoughts about everything.She won't listen to a thing I say and I'm a little worried."He polished off the beer."Okay, I'm a lot worried."Ryan looked at me."Lexi, you have to talk to her.You have to calm her down.I thought this is what she wanted, and now...well, I'm not so sure.She's been crying all day and is a total mess."

I grabbed Ryan's hand before he could reach for another beer, gave it a reassuring squeeze and said, "Don't worry.Things will be okay.Nicole's just got a case of cold feet.It's totally normal.It's my maid of honor duty.I'll go talk to her."

The trip from the airport to the Strip didn't take long but the guys still managed to have a few beers each.The sun began to set and the city started to come to life outside our windows.Everything looked more or less the same as it had last time except for the huge new hotel complex, City Center, which had been under construction when I was here last.Now it occupied over a quarter mile of glass and steel sparkling along the Strip.