Page 46 of Vegas Duology

"Three weeks," I said and turned back to strain the pasta through the colander.

"Three weeks?"

"Yup, she didn't want to wait."

"Wow," he said and some of the enthusiasm left his voice."That doesn't give me much time, Lex.I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner.You knew I'd need time to organize things."

I knew.

I tasted the sauce instead of answering him.Perfect.I dished out three servings, just like the three bears, with the smallest saved for Ben.

"I'm sure it will be fine, though.I've been working so hard, I should have some extra vacation time coming," Andrew said.

Or any time at all.

I turned around, a smile pasted to my face."I'm sure it'll be fine."

Andrew moved from the table and wrapped his arms around my waist."I think so too.We could use a vacation."

His breath was warm against my skin as he bent down to kiss my neck.It felt good.It had been a long time since he'd kissed me.He trailed his lips up, pushing my hair over my shoulder until his mouth met mine.I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

When it was over, which admittedly was too soon, Andrew pulled away but didn't let go of me."That was nice," he murmured."It's been too long."

"It has."

"And Vegas will be perfect.I don't know if we've ever had a holiday with just—"

"Mom," Ben called as he ran in to the kitchen."Scooby Doo's over.Is dinner ready?Hi, Dad."He spared a glance for Andrew.

I pushed away from Andrew and caught Ben in a hug before he could crash into my legs.

"Just the two of us," I heard him mumble as he grabbed the salad bowl and patted Ben's shoulder with the other hand as he walked by.

Wedding dresses all looked the same.At least that was my assessment after three hours of shopping.White, off-white, eggshell, alabaster, oyster, pearl.They were all the same.The chiffon, satin, lace, ruffles, and tulle were all beginning to blend together in a mass of marshmallowy fluff.

With so little time before the wedding, Nicole couldn't order the perfect gown.Instead, she was relegated to buying a sample dress right off the rack.Which would be fine for me but had incited a small panic with her.Fortunately for Nicole, she had the best maid of honor ever and I'd found a giant warehouse type of store that had hundreds, if not thousands, of gowns.The prices seemed reasonable as well; the trade-off, of course, was that there were no understanding and infinitely patient sales consultants to wait on Nicole hand and foot.She was stuck with me.And my patience was wearing thin.

I pushed aside a dress and lifted another garment bag from the racks.


Sweetheart neckline?Check.


I pulled out the bag and hoisted it over my shoulder.I might as well take this one.Nicole had rejected all of my choices so far, despite the fact that they'd each met with her ever-increasing list of requirements.I navigated my way to the back of the store where the changing area was.

"Here," I said and shoved the dress through the curtain where Nicole was waiting."Try this one."

"It looks like the last one."

I sighed."It's nothing like the last one.This one has a much deeper neck line and a little less beading."I was making it up, but she wouldn't notice.

"Okay.Here."A bundle of satin came through the curtain."Hang this up."

I picked up the gown and wrestled it into a garment bag."Nic, I really didn't take you for the bridezilla type," I said.

"Lex!"Nicole's head popped out."I am not a bridezilla.I can't believe you would say that."