Page 19 of Vegas Duology

"Just watching me eat again?"Lexi tugged at her dress, wiggling in the seat.

"Yes, but I was wondering something too," I said."Can I ask you a question?"


"Last night, in the lounge.You told that guy you were married."

Her face turned that pretty shade of red again.I didn't want to embarrass her, but if I was going to sit here and flirt with her, I needed to know.I'd already checked out her ring finger; it was bare.But in Vegas, you could never know for sure, and I needed to know.

She nodded and said, "I am."

The smile fell from my face.Dammit, I should know better than to ask a question when I didn’t want to hear the answer.

“I see,” I said, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.I could tell by the look on her face, I hadn't done a very good job.


"So, why were you so willing to come with me tonight?Don't you think your husband will mind?"It wasn't a malicious question.

Her face transformed.She looked sad for a moment but then her expression changed again.She looked like she might laugh.Or...damn…was she going to cry?

"What did I say?"I asked.“Lexi, I didn't mean to—”

“No,” she said.“It's just, I don't think my husband,” she emphasized the word, “would mind at all.We're separated.”


One word was all it took for my entire mood to shift.No sooner had the word left her lips than I could feel myself sitting a little straighter; the smile returned to my face and my heart resumed its frantic beat.With that one word, I realized that no matter how slim, I might have a chance with her.At least, I might have a chance at sitting with her a little longer and getting to know her.And right at that moment, I couldn't think of anything I'd like more than to look into her eyes that made me feel like I was drowning, and learn everything I could about her.And there was one more very important thing I needed to know.

“How long?”I asked.“Have you been separated awhile?”

“Six months,” she said.“But it was a long time coming.”

“So you’re...”

“Yes,” she said, answering my unasked question.“It’s over.In fact,” she continued and I had to force myself to listen to what she was saying, “I’m sure he’d be shocked by my behavior tonight.”

“What do you mean?”I leaned in towards her.I wanted to close the gap between us, but I caught myself and pulled back again.“How have you been acting?”I asked.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve figured out that I'm not the nightclub type,” she said.“Nicole chose my clothes tonight...”

I liked her clothes.It was undeniably the sexiest dress I'd ever seen.But if it got any shorter, I would have to be resuscitated.

“...I almost never dance, and I absolutely never go out with strange men in the middle of the night for burgers.”

“Well, it's a good thing I'm not strange then,” I said.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled in a way that made my blood rush, and said, “And I'm not usually so...forward.”And then she winked at me.It took me a moment to digest the action.

Had she really done that?It was so sexy and awkward, all at the same time that the simple action had an undeniable impact on my body.I was glad to be sitting.

"Well,” I said after a moment.“I like it and I'm glad you decided to take a chance tonight."

“Me too.”Her voice was quiet; the false bravado of a moment ago had vanished.

I couldn't help it any longer.My arm shot out in front of me, and I took her hand in mine.

I had to touch her.

She shivered and when she closed her eyes, I stroked the top of her hand.I knew my touch affected her.The heat from her skin ebbed to my core.

"Come on," I said.“We still have all night.”