Page 181 of Vegas Duology

I nodded, although I most definitely didn’t understand.Not at all.

“I’ll tell you what.”Connie wheeled a cart with an ultrasound monitor to the bedside.“I’ll just run out to the waiting room and let him know that you’re doing just fine.Okay?”

I nodded again and bit my lip to keep from screaming.Because it was a lie.

I wasn’t fine.

Everything was far from fine.


The room was sixteen by sixteen.

Feet, that is.

My feet, more specifically.I knew because I’d paced the circumference of it at least fifty times since they’d shown me to the tiny family waiting room after taking Lexi away.

Why I couldn’t go with her, I couldn’t understand, but there was nothing to be gained by making a scene.Keith joined me after parking the car, but I sent him away again.I couldn’t sit there and make small talk with anyone.Not when my wife was in distress.

My wife.

The word was still new and it made me sad to think that only a few hours ago we’d pronounced our love to each other and our family and now we were in the hospital awaiting the news


I wouldn’t think about it.I wouldn’t let my mind go to the worst possible scenario.

I couldn’t.


I whirled around to see a woman in scrubs in the doorway.

“Yes.”I rushed to stand in front of her.“My wife.Is she...can I see her?”

“My name is Connie.”She smiled kindly.“Your wife is just fine.”

“So she’s okay?The baby?”

Connie gave me a look that they must practice in nursing school: a noncommittal pursing of the lips that told me nothing at all.“We’re just going to do a quick ultrasound to see what’s going on and what might have been causing your wife’s cramping.”

“And the bleeding.”

She nodded.“Yes.”

“Can I be with her?”

Connie shook her head.“I’m afraid not, Mr.Mendez.It’s against hospital policy, but I wanted to let you know what was happening.I should be getting back.”

I reached my hand out to stop her, but stopped short of grabbing her.“Wait.”I needed to know more.I needed to know something.She hadn’t told me anything at all, but I couldn’t formulate any words that made any sense or said what I needed them to say.I knew she was in a hurry.She had to be very busy, but to her credit she didn’t rush me.“Will she...I you think she’ll...”I couldn’t finish the question.Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, but I blinked them back.I needed to hold it together.

Connie took my hand that still hung in the air and she squeezed in a way that was oddly comforting.“We’re doing everything we can, Mr.Mendez.I promise to come and get you as soon as I can.”

And then she was gone.I was alone in the tiny waiting room, which I suppose should have been a blessing.Instead, it suddenly felt empty.Lonely and cold.

I counted the steps to the closest chair.Four.

I sank into the hard molded plastic.I had no energy left to pace and count.I dropped my head into my hands.