“Grab a sweater,” he said.“It’s cold out there.The storm really picked up.”
The storm.
“Do you think they’re okay?”I asked, mostly to keep myself from obsessing as we left the suite and headed toward the pools and the outbuildings there.“I mean, it’s early.Where would they have gone?You did put Ben to bed last night—he was sleeping.You don’t think someone—”
“Lexi.”Leo turned around and grabbed me by the upper arms.“Stop.They’re fine.They’re going to be just fine.Panicking or creating worst-case scenarios isn’t going to help.We need to stay calm and think like the kids.”
I nodded.Of course he was right.We needed to stay calm.I scanned the grounds from where we stood.The wind whipped my hair around my face.The pools were up the stairs, the basketball and tennis courts to the right.The main building was to the left.The beach was behind us.I turned back to the stairs that led to the pools.The kids had spent the vast majority of their time there since we’d arrived.It seemed like the logical place to look.We hustled up the stairs and toward the outbuildings.
“I’ll check the boys’ room,” Leo said.“You check the girls’.Maybe they took cover from the storm.”
I nodded, although it didn’t make sense or add up.But then again, at the moment, nothing made sense.The girls’ change room was empty.I also popped into the vacant snack bar building and Leo checked the storage shed.All empty.When we came out and regrouped, Keith and Roxanne were there.
Leo shook his head.“The pool area is all clear.”
“So are the courts.”Keith had to yell to be heard over the howling wind.“Joanne is checking all the rooms just in case they decided to play hide-and-seek or something like that.”
“I just don’t understand,” Roxanne cried.“Where could they have gone?Why would they sneak off?”
“We have to think like them,” I said, although I couldn’t even begin to imagine how.“What reason would they have for sneaking out?Is there something they would want to do that we wouldn’t let them?”
Roxanne shook her head.“They know they have the run of the place.What would we have said no to?”
“The boat.”All heads turned to Keith.The look on his face said it all.“Evan wanted to go last night when we went out on the boat.”
The boat?Something pricked at me, but I couldn’t think.Keith was still talking.
“I told him he couldn’t come,” Keith explained.“It was a special night.”
Leo nodded and added, “But how could they?They’re kids.They wouldn’t have the first clue how to operate a boat.”
“That’s the thing.”Keith scratched his head.“Ben was asking all kinds of questions last night.You know, before the big moment.”
The boat.
There was a boat on the lake that morning.At dawn.It was headed away from the resort, to the secluded part of the lake.Toward the storm.“Ben!”I took off running toward the water, hoping upon hope that I’d see the boat still tethered on the dock where we’d left it last night, but knowing in my heart that I wouldn’t.
I hollered after her, but she wasn’t slowing down.There was no way Ben would be on the boat.But the way Lexi was running to the dock, she obviously didn’t feel the same way.
“Lexi,” I called again.“Slow down.He’s not on the—”
The boat was gone.
I swung around to yell at Keith.He must not have tied it up securely.The wind and waves must have jarred it lose.
“I know what you’re thinking.”Keith’s face turned a sickly shade of white.“But I tied it up tight.There’s no way...”
“Are they...oh my God!”Roxanne joined us on the empty dock.She looked wildly between us all.“Do something!Keith!Where’s the boat?”
Keith looked helplessly up and down the dock and scanned the water, putting his hand up to shield his eyes against the wind.“It’s...I know I...dammit.”
“It’s out there.”