Page 169 of Vegas Duology

“You mean...”He looked between us.“You’re going to have a baby?”

I nodded, still watching his reaction carefully.“We’re just past three months, so this time...”I couldn’t finish what I was thinking, but I didn’t need to.

“I’m going to be a brother?”We nodded.“And you’re going tofinallyget married?”We nodded again and Ben jumped up to do a fist pump.“Best.Day.Ever.And it’s not even my birthday yet!”

As I looked at the two loves of my life with a new baby safe in my belly, I couldn’t agree more.


Everything had gone off perfectly.Ben had been amazing.Lexi had reacted just as I’d planned.Well, almost as planned.There was no planning for the hormonal reaction of a pregnant woman.But that didn’t matter; it only added to the night.After we told Ben about the baby, I brought out the sparkling apple juice and the three of us cuddled under a blanket as Keith drove the boat slowly around the lake.

The water turned orange, and then pink as we watched the sunset.Finally the stars came out and I lit the lantern for a bit more light as we took in the sights of the resorts and mansions on the shoreline.

It was a beautiful night and with my arms around my son and my soon-to-be wife who was pregnant with my child, I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect than that moment.

Lexi and I could have driven around all night, but when Ben finally fell asleep on my lap, I turned and gestured to Keith that it was time to head back to the dock.He’d been fantastic about donating his captain skills, but he was probably eager to get back to shore, too.Besides, I was more than ready to get my fiancée alone.

Just thinking the word in my head, it still seemed surreal, which was crazy because we’d been in love and living together for years.But somehow now that it was going to be official, it seemed different.And so much better.

“Let me take him,” I said when the boat was finally docked.I scooped Ben up in my arms and with a nod of thanks to Keith, Lexi and I headed back up to our suite.“I’ll put him to bed and be right back.”

Lexi smiled and I walked through the spacious room to the door that was Ben’s bedroom.Fortunately it was a large suite, almost as big as our entire cabin home back in Canada.There was one more empty room on this side of the suite with the master located on the opposite side of the living room.It would be big enough for our expanding family.At least for a while.After the resort got going, I’d find us a real home nearby in the village where we could really put down some roots.It wouldn’t be the same as the cabin, but it would be wonderful and we could always visit the lake and the mountains.Especially if I could find some way to hang onto the inn and hire Seth full-time to run it in my absence.That little place had a piece of my heart already, and I wasn’t ready to give it up.Not if I didn’t have to.

I just didn’t know how I could make that happen.

I tucked Ben under his covers and slipped out of his room without waking him.It had been a big night and he was a good sleeper; I knew I didn’t have to worry about him waking up.Which was a good thing, because when I walked into the living room and saw Lexi, her back to me as she sat on the couch and gazed out the window, my body reacted hard and fast to the sight of her.Particularly her long, slim neck, the creamy white skin left exposed by the artful pile of hair on the back of her head.I made a quick mental note to thank Roxanne for her handiwork.My fiancée looked even more gorgeous than normal, and I never would have thought that possible.

I didn’t think I’d made any noise as I made my way across the carpet, but she turned, sensing my presence as I came up behind the couch.The smile on her face, the total look of joy, only fueled my desire.Before she could say anything, I bent and kissed her neck.Softly at first, I let my lips move across her bare skin, licking and tasting until I heard the telltale moan that meant her eyes were closed and she was surrendering to me and my attentions.Encouraged, I slipped one hand to her other shoulder, and around to her chin, pulling her head down to expose more of her neck.

My kisses grew more urgent, and my tongue traveled her sweet skin, up behind her ear, tracing it, before dipping briefly inside.She shivered, hard.I knew exactly how I was affecting her.I suckled her lobe into my mouth and my free hand moved around her to cup her breast in my palm.Her body was changing, her breasts definitely growing more luscious every day.I noticed a difference even from the previous day when we’d been together.Was it possible for a body to change so quickly?

Fortunately, the fabric of the dress was loose enough for me to slide my hand easily inside.She moaned again when my thumb stroked over her nipple, pebbling it into a hard peak.Once again, I focused on the skin of her neck while my hand squeezed and kneaded her breast.She turned her head, desperate to meet my lips with her own.I complied and took her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss.She turned on the couch until she was on her knees facing me.

My hands slipped through her hair, holding her head firmly to me; a need to claim her as mine ran fiercely through my blood.“I love you so goddamned much.”

My voice was thick and the words came out gravelly and raspy but she smiled the sweetest smile and spoke with just as much heat.“I can’t imagine wanting or needing a man as much as I do you.”

That’s all it took.I was around the couch in a heartbeat.I swept my woman up in my arms and took her to our bedroom, where we consummated everything we’d just promised each other.