Page 167 of Vegas Duology



I waited patientlywhile Roxanne led Lexi down the pathway.Even from where I sat on the gondola style boat, I could see how gorgeous she looked.I’d never seen her in a dress the color of the one she wore and with her increasingly curvy body, she looked like a goddess as she made her way, laughing, down to the water.I saw the exact moment she noticed Ben.

He was dressed somewhat formally in khaki shorts and a black polo shirt, his hair slicked back in my best effort to tame his locks that desperately needed a haircut.We were used to seeing him in jeans and old t-shirts or hoodies, so I’d hoped the effect would be dramatic and judging by the way Lexi stopped abruptly, I was right.

I couldn’t hear what Ben said, but Lexi’s hand flew to her mouth.I knew if I was closer, I would see the tears in her eyes, which meant Ben was carrying out his role according to plan.I swelled with pride at my boy.He made me a little prouder every day, if it was even possible.Ben reached out and extended his hand to his mother.She took it and he straightened his shoulders as he escorted her down to the dock.

Something resembling butterflies flipped in my stomach and it made me laugh.After all these years and everything we’d been through, I was nervous.It was crazy.But definitely a good sign.

The music I’d arranged with Keith started to play.That was my cue, so I hopped up, straightened my pants and made sure my shirt was tucked in just right, and my tie straight before I slipped my jacket on.Working in the mountains, it had been a long time since I’d worn a suit and tie, but I knew how Lexi liked it and if I was going to do things, I was going to do them right.I grabbed the lily I’d selected and made my way down the dock to meet the love of my life.

The moment she saw me, her eyes lit up and she tipped her head to the side in question.“Leo?What...”She turned to Ben, who watched his mother with absolute adoration.I knew what it meant to him to be included in the planning of what was about to happen.He’d been so excited, I was worried he’d let it slip to Lexi, so I’d kept him busy all day to make sure he didn’t go anywhere near her.He was a good boy, but he was terrible at keeping secrets.

“Here she is, Dad.”Ben extended his arm, Lexi’s hand clasped in his, for me to take.

“Good job, son.”

He beamed with pride and despite the confusion I could still see in Lexi’s eyes, I also saw the emotion as she looked between us.I took her hand from Ben’s and kissed the back of it before I handed her the lily.

“What’s going on?”Lexi took a step toward me, but hesitated, looking back at Ben.

“You’ll see.”Ben rocked up on his toes and shoved his hands in his pockets.It was easy to see that he was busting to tell her some of the details.“Go with Dad.”

I nodded and pulled gently on her hand to lead her back toward the boat.“Listen to your son.”I squeezed her hand in assurance.“He’s a smart boy.”

We left Ben standing on the dock, but I knew the moment I helped Lexi aboard the gondola, he’d be moving into his next position.

“Here we are.”I stopped in front of the gondola Keith had borrowed from the neighboring resort.It was one of the larger boats with an open bow that created a cozy sitting area, complete with cushions and a table that pulled out from the side.The crew area in the back housed the driver and the supplies we’d already stocked the boat with.I’d decorated the space with a few bouquets of lilies and they filled the air with their fragrance.Flameless candles flickered and a lantern sat, waiting to be lit when the sun went down.

“Leo, this is...”

I chuckled and helped her aboard and into the front sitting area.The sun was still out and it was warm, but soon enough it would be chilly and I was prepared for that, too.She sat on the cushions, and I pulled out a blanket.“For later,” I said.

“Later?Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

“Patience, my darling.”

I turned to the wheelhouse behind me and got the thumbs-up from Keith, our captain for the evening.I smiled when I saw Ben next to him.Just as I thought, it hadn’t taken long for him to get in position.I nodded to Keith and turned back to my date.

The moment I sat down next to her, the engine fired up and we moved smoothly away from the dock.“I thought it might be kind of nice to see the resort from a different view.”I smoothly put my arm around her.“Besides, with everything going on lately, we’re long overdue for a little time alone, don’t you think?”


My mind spun and I couldn’t keep up.From the moment Roxanne dragged me away from the pool to play dress up, to seeing my handsome son, and then...Leo.

I didn’t know what to think.But when Leo sat down next to me and put his arms around my shoulders, it didn’t matter what he was planning or doing.It just mattered that we were together and for that moment, everything was perfect.

The boat pulled away from the dock and moved out onto the lake.Soft music played from somewhere, and I snuggled into Leo.Besides our night out on the Strip, it had been way too long since we’d spent a romantic night together.And with a baby coming...I’d only just allowed myself to think of the baby in the future tense.Everything felt real now and if the way my stomach was suddenly growing and stretching was any indication, everything would be just fine with this baby.

“This is beautiful.”I sat up just enough to look at the shoreline as we moved farther into the lake.The sun was just starting to set, which cast an orange glow over the water and the homes on the far end of the lake.“These houses are huge!”

“They are.I think that one’s Celine Dion’s.I guess the recession didn’t affect things over there the way they did the hotels on this side of the lake.”

I laughed.“I think when you’re that rich, you’re recession-proof.Look at that one.”I pointed to an exceptionally large house.At first glance, I thought it must be another hotel, but it was definitely a house.I expected Leo to chime in, but when he didn’t say anything, I turned to see him not looking in the direction I pointed, but staring directly at me.“Leo?”

He took my hand, pulling it down and into his lap.“I can’t look at the houses.”