No.I didn’t oweherany explanation.But there was someone I did owe one to.
“I can’t do this.”I pushed the flower bouquet back onto the shelf.“I can’t do this.Not like this.”
“We have other packages,” Edna rasped.“If you don’t want the dress, we can downgrade you to the Happily Ever After package, but you won’t get the DVD of pictures.It’s not a bad—”
“No.”I needed to get out of there.The stale air, suddenly stifling me, threatened to overwhelm me.“I can’t do this.I can’t do any of this.”
Burt wanted to put me in an Elvis suit, or some other kind of polyester leisure suit thing.He insisted it was “part of the package” but I was able to convince him that what I was wearing was just fine and the chapel probably couldn’t handle more than one Elvis.He thrust a box of rings into my hand and told me to pick one of the thin tin bands.
Of course I’d need a ring to put on Lexi’s finger.Even if it was a cheap band that would likely turn her finger green.I needed something and I could always upgrade it later.With a diamond.A twinge of guilt that was becoming all too familiar flashed through me.I wouldn’t have any money for a diamond.At least not for a while.Not with the hotel.But I couldn’t think about that right now.Not moments away from my wedding.Of course, I probably shouldn’t be starting our marriage with such a big secret either.Or any secret at all, for that matter.
I slipped a ring from the box and rolled it around my fingers.In only a few minutes, I’d be putting it on the love of my life, forever tying her to me.Finally.For better or for worse, right?Even ifworstmeant investing your entire savings into a hotel without telling your new spouse?
“Shit,” I mumbled.I needed to tell her.I couldn’t keep it from her any longer than—
“Ready or not, here comes your little lady.”Burt cleared his throat with a wet cough that jarred me back to the moment.I wrapped my hand reflexively around the ring and turned around as Burt said, “Don’t have the music ready yet.She’s not supposed to be—”
Something was wrong.Lexi wasn’t marching or walking or parading down the aisle in any of the ways I imagined she should be.Instead, she was half walking, half running, and the look on her face looked anything but peaceful or as blissful the way a bride should look.
“Leo.”Her eyes danced wildly around the room, finally coming to a rest on me.I focused on her and tried to calm her with my gaze as she made her way down the aisle to me in pretty much the most opposite way of what I expected.
“Lexi.”I tried to keep my voice even and calm.Whatever was going on, we could manage it.“What’s going on?Are you—”
“I can’t marry you.”
My heart stopped for a beat.“Wait?What?”She finally reached me and I pulled her close, needing to feel her body against mine.“What are you talking about?Of course you can marry me.”
She shook her head against my chest and I could feel my shirt grow damp.Dammit, she was crying.What the hell was going on?What had happened in the last few minutes to—did she know about the hotel?The money?I stiffened, but forced myself to relax.There was no way.
She pulled back just enough for me to see her face and the tears in her eyes.The sadness I saw there almost broke me.This wasn’t supposed to be happening.Everything had been perfect.Well, almost perfect.
“Leo, I have to tell...I...”
“What?You have to tell me what?”
Confusion crossed her face and for a split second, I thought I saw something else there.Fear?But then it was gone.
“Do you want me to start the music?”Burt started to mutter and shuffle around behind us.“Edna!Start the music.”
“No.”I turned and held up a hand to stop him.“Just give us a minute.”I turned back to Lexi.“What’s going on?What do you need to tell me?”
“Leo, I—”
She was cut off when the speakers crackled to life.It wasn’t the wedding march, but what sounded like the music for “Love Me Tender.”Sure enough, Burt’s gravelly voice joined in with the music and Lexi and I both turned to stare at the old man in his full Elvis regalia, belting out what was no doubt supposed to be a romantic tune.There was nothing left to do but shake my head.Next to me, I could feel Lexi start to shake.I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close before I realized she wasn’t crying but laughing.Well, it was a mixture of tears and laughter.Either way, I looked down at her face as she bit her lip trying, and failing, to contain her hysterical giggles.Her hand flew up to her mouth as a sound that was half laugh, half sob escaped.
“Come on.”I wrapped my hand around hers.“Let’s get out of here.”