I grabbed a sweater and left my office behind in search of Seth.A manager was only as good as his employees, and with Seth, I knew I had it good.He could handle pretty much anything I threw at him.Not that I’d given him anything particularly challenging, but that was about to change.Since taking over the Lake Lillian Inn, I’d never taken a vacation.Sure, a day or two here and there, but I’d never left the inn in someone else’s hands before.That was about to change.
“Seth.”I found the man chopping wood at the back of the inn.This time of year, things were slow and there weren’t many guests, so it was a good time to take care of some of the more basic jobs.Especially before the snow flew.We’d need all that wood, and more.
The other man finished his swing before he propped up his ax, wiped his forehead with his sleeve and grabbed the logs.“Hey, boss.What’s up?”He tossed the logs easily onto the stack he’d been building and walked over to where I waited.“I’m finished back here for today.Is there something you want me to take care of?”
“Actually, there is.”I gestured to the maintenance shed.“Let’s go chat.”It had been Seth’s idea to keep a fridge stocked with refreshments in the shed, and it had proved to be a fantastic idea on more than one occasion as we’d held impromptu meetings there.The beauty of owning a small operation was the relaxed approach we could take.It was definitely one of the perks and on days when I missed the chaos and busyness of Las Vegas, I tried to remember that small town hotel management also had distinct benefits.
I pulled two cans from the fridge and tossed him one before I leaned back against the work bench.
“Everything okay, Leo?”
I cracked the can and took a long pull.“Absolutely.I just need to talk to you about something.”He nodded, so I continued.“I’m going to be taking a bit of a trip and I need to know if you’ll be okay on your own for a few days.”
He didn’t answer right away, but instead rolled the can in his hands and took a deep drink.When he’d had a minute to think it over, he answered.“Of course.Is there any reason you think I wouldn’t be okay?Do you not trust my abilities?”
Dammit.The last thing Leo needed was to offend his right-hand man.Especially before leaving him in charge.But before he could say anything or work on damage control, the corners of Seth’s eyes crinkled with laughter and he slapped his knee.“Just pulling your chain, boss.Of course I’m good.What’s going on?”
I shot him a quick look and shook my head before filling him in on what I had planned for Lexi.He wholeheartedly approved of my plan and even offered to take the dog.One detail I’d overlooked with all my arrangements.We spent another beer discussing what needed to be done for the busy holiday season that would be upon us before we knew it.By the time I left him, Seth was excitedly making plans for his time in charge and I knew I’d made a good decision.Not only would the inn be in good hands with him, I was certain he’d thrive with the responsibility.
Now there was only one thing left to do.Tell Lexi.
Her car was parked in front of the house when I pulled up next to it.I grabbed my laptop bag, the tickets tucked inside, and went to find her.
She was gorgeous.As soon as I saw her standing in front of the sink, my body responded.Just looking at her beauty made my stomach flip and my groin tighten and damned if I didn’t want to take her in my arms, lift her onto the counter and kiss her until she made that sexy little moan of hers.It took all the restraint I had to hold back.There’d be time for that soon enough.First, I had to—a sigh escaped her lips in response to whatever she was watching outside.It wasn’t a happy or content sigh, but one laced with concern and heaviness.
I followed her gaze outside to see what she was looking at, but there was nothing there but the lake.Not quite cold enough to freeze over, the water had started to crystallize.It would only be a matter of days before it was solid.A state of change that always made me a little sad, because try as I might, I could not get used to winter in the mountains.There was no amount of preparation that could prepare a man for that.Especially a man who grew up in the desert.But that didn’t explain the melancholy on Lexi’s face.
I slid up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her close.She jumped a bit, startled by my presence, but settled in against my chest; her head fell back so I could drop a kiss on her forehead.
“What are you thinking about?”I stroked my hands down her arms.My fingers trailed back up before I rubbed her shoulders gently to work out the knots of tension that were always there.
“I’m good,” she said.“Just a little tired is all.”She turned in my arms and looked up at me.“That feels good.Thank you.”
“Only the best for you, babe.”It was the perfect segue.“I’ve noticed you’ve been tired a lot lately.”She opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off.“I know you’ve been working a lot and with everything going on the last little while, it’s totally understandable.But, I think it’s long past time we did something about it.Don’t you?”
Confusion clouded her eyes.“I don’t—”
“I’ve been thinking.We need to get away.”
“Away?Where?”She didn’t immediately say no, which was the answer I’d been expecting, so I took her question as a positive.Abigpositive.“It’s not like we have anywhere to go, Leo.And what about Ben?”
“Ben will come, too, of course.”
“Come where?”She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes as she pulled away just far enough to look me up and down.“What are you talking about, Leo?”
I smiled.I couldn’t help it.The excitement was too much.This was exactly what we needed right now.That had never been so clear as it was at that moment.
I held her at arm’s length so I could see her face when I told her the news.She’d be thrilled because why wouldn’t she?I planned every detail.Took care of everything.All she had to do was pack a bag and get on the plane.And if there’s anything I knew about Lexi, I knew she loved it when I took control of things.
“You’re scaring me.”
I laughed.“Why would I be scaring you?”
“The smile on your face...”She looked at me sideways but I could see her own smile forming on her lips.I was infecting her with my excitement.I could see it.“It’s very suspicious.”
I laughed again, louder this time, and gave her a deep, very thorough kiss on the lips before I pulled her away again.
“Leo, what is going on?”
“We’re going on a trip.”I couldn’t keep it in any longer.But instead of looking excited the way I expected her to, the smile that had been forming on Lexi’s face fell.I continued quickly.“And before you can think of any objections or arguments about where we would go or when, don’t worry about a thing.”
Lexi tugged out of my grasp, but I pulled her back and wrapped my arms around her.
“What are you talking about?”She looked up at me, so many questions in her eyes.“What shouldn’t I worry about?The very fact that you say that...”
“I planned it all, babe.”I thought the smile would crack my face in two.“Pack your bags because tomorrow morning we’re leaving for Las Vegas.”