“Keith, man.I live in Canada now.I’m not there.”
“You could be here.”
I didn’t respond right away because there was nothing I could say.It was true.Icouldbe there.“Look, I—”
“Just come see it,” he interrupted me.“Come and see the opportunity before you say no.You owe that to yourself.At the very least.”
I nodded and I don’t know whether it was the late hour, the lack of sleep, or the fact that I’d just had the love of my life in my arms, but I said yes.“Okay.”
I nodded again, more for my own benefit than his.“Yeah.I’ll come visit and check it out.”There was nothing to be gained by going to see what I’d be missing out on, but I just couldn’t say no.Besides, maybe I could convince Lexi to come on a little vacation with me.Maybe even take Ben and show him where his mother and I met.It could be good for us.
Itwouldbe good for us.Very good.