Page 132 of Vegas Duology



“Hey, Ben,"Leo said."Why don't you go see if the puppy is awake and think about a name for him."

Ben's face lit up as he remembered his new dog, and he sprung to his feet."Sure," he said and took off running."I'll think of a really cool name too," he yelled and disappeared up the lawn.

I tried to hold back the tears.Watching Ben with Leo, after all this time, was overwhelming.The effect of all the emotions over the last few weeks combined and turned me into a weepy, emotional mess.

"Lexi, what's wrong?"Leo said.He finished tying the kayak to the dock and came to me."Has something happened?"

"Yes.I mean, no.I..."I was feeling so many things at once I couldn't form a coherent thought."I'm so sorry, Leo."

Leo grabbed my arms and I jumped a little from the cold of his skin."Sorry?For what?"

"For not telling you about Ben."I felt a fresh flow of tears threatening."Seeing you with him, it makes me so happy.But so sad for all the lost time you've had.And I'm—"

"Stop," he said and wrapped his arms around me.He was soaking, but I didn't care.I let him hold me and after a moment, I could feel the heat radiating from his skin, through the damp clothes."We've talked about it," he whispered, "and we can't change the past.The only thing that matters is now.And I'm here now."

"But for how long?"My voice was muffled in his shoulder.

Leo pulled me away from him and met my mouth with his.

The kiss took my breath away, literally.But I didn't need it.Leo's passion fueled me.He breathed life into me as his lips melded into mine.He had one hand on the back of my neck, the other cupping my cheek and kissed me with an urgency I'd never experienced before.All thoughts flew out of my head and I focused only on the feel of his wet body pushed up against mine, his thumb stroking against my cheek, and the taste of him on my lips.

When we finally drew apart, Leo looked at me, the intensity of his kiss reflected in his eyes."Does that answer your question?I'm here for forever."

"But, what about your job?"

"I told you, I'm going to quit."

"What will you do for work?"

"Well, as it turns out, I think Dex may need a little help around the Inn."

I reached for his hand and squeezed.

"It's going to be okay, Lexi.I promise."

"I know," I said and for the first time in a long time, I believed it.

"We're going to make this work," he said."I love you."

I stared at him, tracing his face with my eyes.Everything about him was so familiar."Maybe Uncle Ray was right," I said after a moment.

"About what?"He reached out to wipe a tear off my cheek.

"He told me not to waste time, that I would have to grab love when it came and never let it go."

A slow smile spread across Leo's face."Uncle Ray sounds like he was a very wise man.I wish I could have met him."

"So do I," I said and I leaned forward again.This time the kiss was tender and soft.


We broke apart at the sound of Ben's voice, but Leo held onto my hand and we turned together to see Ben running down the lawn at full speed, the puppy close on his heels.

"Whoa."I caught him with my free hand before he could run right off the dock."What's up?"