We scared every bird and fish for miles I'm sure, but I didn't care.I was kayaking with my son.I could do this all day.
I tried to stay in view of the house, but once we got the hang of it, Ben wanted to go a little farther and show me the homes of some of the neighbors.I looked across the lawn and couldn't see Lexi.She must have gone inside.
"Can we go to the point?"Ben asked.
"Okay, but just for a minute.I don't want your mom to get mad at me."
"She won't, I promise."
I followed Ben's lead and soon we were gliding across the water next to the tree line.He showed me a few of the neighbor's houses and the public beach where they'd already pulled in the swim line and the raft for the season.
"I can jump off that dock, ya know?"Ben said.
"I bet you can.You look like a brave boy."
"I am," he agreed."I have to be."
We stopped paddling and let the boat glide."What do you mean, you have to be brave?"
"For Mom," he said matter-of-factly."She's sad a lot."
"You mean since your papa died?"
"No, 'cause of Dad.Mom said he's not coming."
"How do you feel about that?"I wasn't sure Lexi would like me talking to Ben about this, but he seemed to need someone to talk to.
"I'm glad."He dipped his fingertips in the water, letting them drag."'Cause then we can live here and Mom likes it here."
I didn't know what to say.
"You don't always have to be brave, you know.Sometimes you can just be you."
"I know," he said, his voice quiet, and then he brightened."Leo, look!"
I followed to where Ben was pointing and saw a deer standing at the edge of the water only a few feet away.She hadn't noticed us, and since ourboom, pow, boomhad ceased for a few moments, we hadn't managed to scare her away.
"I don't think I've ever seen a deer this close before."
"For real?"
"Ssh," I whispered."Don't scare her."
"Everyone's seen a deer," Ben said.
"Not true.Where I grew up, there isn't a lot of wildlife.Maybe one day I'll take you to visit."
"Cool," Ben said.Then he paused."Why?"
"It was just a thought.You never know, right?"
I reminded myself to go slowly; Ben didn't know everything yet and I didn't want to spook him.
After a moment, Ben spoke.His voice was so quiet I had to lean forward to hear him."You're my other dad, right?"