Page 124 of Vegas Duology

"What about your job?"

"What about it?"

"You love your career."

"It's a job.I took a leave of absence until I can figure out how to deal with it.I have no intention of going back."


"I told you, Lex."He smiled."I choose you.You and Ben.I was stupid enough to choose work over you before; I won't make that mistake twice.Once was enough, and I've regretted it ever since."

I stared at him."You would give up everything for me?"

"Of course."Leo reached for my arms and shook them gently."When will you get it?All I've done for the last few years is think about you, and when I saw you at the hotel, I knew I'd never let you go again.And then when you told me about Ben...God, Lexi, how could I not be here?"

"I told him about you," I said.

The shock on his face registered and he loosened the grip on my arms."Ben?You told him I was his father?"

"Well, not exactly like that.I told him he was lucky because he had two dads.In some way, Andrew will always be part of his life too, Leo."

"I know," he said and looked away."It's just that..."


He turned back to me."Can I see him?"


"Please.I can't stop thinking about him.I need to see him for myself."

"Of course."I nodded and he let go of my arms to take my hand.I rose from the chair, discarding the blanket on the deck.When I turned to head into the house, Leo stopped and turned me into him.

He didn't say a word, but pulled me into his arms for a kiss so passionate that if there had been any doubt of his feelings, or of my own, there was none now.I wrapped my hands around his back and returned the kiss.

It ended too soon.

"Come," I whispered and led him into the house.

Following Lexi into the house, I was terrified.It was a struggle to control my breathing, let alone take in my surroundings.I kept my eyes on her back and stayed right behind her as she walked through the kitchen and down a short hallway, stopping in front of a shut door.

"He's asleep," she said.

I nodded.He'd fallen asleep on the porch swing.My eyes had been riveted on them both as I watched her carry him inside earlier.I remember thinking he looked so little but so big too, like a grown boy.

She put her finger to her lip and opened the door.

The little room was dark with only the glow of a nightlight illuminating a corner.There he was.I'd seen the picture.Heck, I'd memorized every line and freckle on his face.But it didn't prepare me for seeing him in person.I couldn't move.

"Leo," Lexi said."It's okay, you can go in."

I tore my gaze away from Ben and looked at her.She was smiling, and when she nodded, I walked through the door, being sure to watch my step.I stopped about two feet away from the bed.He was lying on his side, clutching a teddy bear.He had long dark lashes, like mine.I used to complain to my grandma that they made me look like a girl, but now I could see how perfect they looked on this boy.

"He looks just like you," Lexi whispered.She'd joined me in the room and I hadn't noticed.I couldn't focus on anything except my son.She was right.He looked just like me, except there were traces of Lexi, too.The freckles scattered on his cheeks.Those were from her.And his nose, with the slight flip at the end, that didn't look anything like mine.

I sank to my knees on the carpet, never taking my eyes off him.Lexi put her hand on my shoulder, squeezed and it was gone.I'm not sure how long I sat there watching him sleep.When I finally turned to look at Lexi, she was gone.The door to the hallway stood open.

I turned back to my son.I should go.I didn't want to wake him up.