"Lexi, is that you?"The woman put down the box of cereal she was holding and came to greet me.
"Enid," I said, letting her hug me."It's so good to see you."
Enid and I had spent a few summers playing together when we were kids.I was always envious that she got to live in Lake Lillian year round while I had to go home.It was good to see a friendly face.
She released me, grinned broadly and stood back.When we were young, she'd always been chubby and that hadn't changed.Her long black hair was tied in a braid down her back.She wore overall jeans and a t-shirt, and I couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked.
"Look at you," she said."The city girl has returned.You look fantastic."
"I was just thinking the very same thing about you."
She wiped her hands on the legs of her jeans and laughed."You must be crazy."
"I'm totally serious.How've you been?"
Enid flung out her left hand."I just got married," she squealed.
"That explains why you look so radiant."
Enid blushed and then hooked my arm, leading me up the aisle."Come, I'll talk to you while you do your shopping so we can catch up.I haven't seen you in years."
I grabbed a cart from the corner and started to fill it with the necessities while Enid caught me up on her life.She'd moved to the city, fell in love and only recently moved back to Lake Lillian to run the store with her new husband.When her parents decided they wanted to retire and head south with the Jensens during the winter months, it was the perfect opportunity.
"I couldn't be happier to be back," Enid said."There's something about the lake and the mountains.I can't believe I ever left."
"It's true.It's very special here."
"So, tell me about you.Mom said you were married and you have a son."
"I do have a little boy, Ben," I said, avoiding the rest of the statement."He's outside looking at those puppies."
"Oh, you have to take one," Enid exclaimed."They're so cute, but I can't handle any more animals.Seth, my husband, would take in any stray he could, and he does.But when his latest refugee had puppies, I drew the line.I just can't.But they are cute, aren't they?"She smiled.
"They are," I agreed, laughing.
"Then take one.Every boy needs a dog," she said and then paused."Assuming you can have one in the city.Do you have a yard?Dogs need room to run.So I suppose if you don't have a yard, you really shouldn't take a puppy.I mean—"
"I was actually thinking about staying out at the lake for a while," I interrupted.
"Really?You mean to live or for a long holiday?"she said, the subject of the puppy forgotten.For now.
I picked up a can of soup and pretended to examine it before putting it in my cart."Well, maybe to live.Things are a bit mixed up at home right now."
I filled her in on Uncle Ray's heart attack.She'd known him too, and knew what a good man he was.We hugged, but I kept the tears at bay.I didn't tell her the details, but mentioned that I was separated from Andrew, and I needed a change.Thankfully she didn't pry.
"Well, I'm glad you're back," Enid said."I'm just sorry it's under such sad circumstances.But, if there was ever a place to feel better and heal from life's troubles, it's Lake Lillian."
I sure hoped so, but I didn't say it out loud.Instead, I asked, "Enid, do you know who I would talk to about enrolling Ben in school?I don't know yet how long I'm going to stay, but he's supposed to start grade one this year, so I should at least look into it."
"I don't know what to tell you.Classes start in a few weeks, but things are a bit of a mess at the elementary school at the moment.I heard the gossip because Seth's a teacher over at the high school."
My mind caught on something.Hadn't Uncle Ray mentioned something about a teaching job?
"There doesn't happen to be a job opening at the school, is there?"It didn't hurt to ask, after all.
"How did you know?"Enid asked and her face fell.She'd been looking forward to telling me the gossip.
"Uncle Ray said your dad mentioned it awhile back," I said."But I don't know why."