"Come on, Lexi," Andrew said, mimicking Ben's tone.
"Yeah, come on."Uncle Ray joined in.
Fresh tears sprang to my eyes.I swiped at them and turned away before anyone could see, but it was too late.
"Hey, Lex," Uncle Ray said."We were just kidding."
"Well, it's not funny."I whirled around.The tears were coming hot and fast.
Andrew stared at me and looked for a minute like he wanted to say something.Instead, he looked down at Ben, who was staring openmouthed at me and said, "Hey, buddy.Let's go find some hot chocolate."
"Hot chocolate!"Ben jumped down and ran for the door, pausing long enough to wrap his arms around my legs for a quick hug before racing out into the hall.
"I think I'll join you," Sara Beth said and put her knitting aside.She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as she passed and whispered in my ear, "Spend some time with him, honey.You need this.You both do."
Andrew stared at me from across the room and again looked like he wanted to say something but he only shook his head and walked past me without saying a word.
I stared at the door after everyone left.I knew Uncle Ray was going to say something about my tears.He'd probably tell me everything would be okay and not to worry and all the rest of the crap that people tell you when they don't want to see you cry.
Here it comes.I ignored him but the sound of his voice only started another round of tears.
"Lexi," he said, softer this time."Come here.I'm a dying man—don't make me beg."
I whirled around and flew to the side of his bed."You're not dying," I said."You're going to be fine."
He laughed but the sound lacked its usual heartiness."I just said that to get you over here."
"That wasn't nice."I smacked his shoulder, just hard enough to make my point."Don't ever do that again."
"It worked, didn't it?Now sit."
I did as I was told and pulled a chair close to his bed so he wouldn't have to turn his head to look at me.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on, or do I have to guess?"
I shot him a look and grabbed the corner of the bed sheet.
"It's not like I have a lot of time here, Lexi."He gestured to the wires coming off his chest.
"Stop it.I told you it's not funny."I focused on twisting the sheet around my fingers until the tips turned purple.
"I'm serious," he said."Now talk to me.What's going on?"
"You're lying in the hospital waiting for major heart surgery, isn't it obvious?"
"Stop."He took hold of my hand, forcing me to stop twisting."This you can handle.You're tough.A little heart attack isn't going to derail my Lexi.No," he said."There's more.Now spill."
I looked up at him."How do you know?"
"I know you, Miss Muffet."Unshed tears shone in his eyes when he used my special name.He hadn't called me that in years.Not since the early years after my parents’ deaths.He started using the nickname when I first went to live with him because for some reason it made me smile when almost nothing else would.
It still worked.I smiled, and then opened my mouth and told him the story of Leo, from the beginning.
He didn't say a word as I spoke.On one occasion, I thought he might actually be sleeping.His eyes were closed with only his chest moving up and down.When I stopped talking for a moment, his eyes snapped open, and I knew he was listening.When I got to the part about telling Leo the truth about Ben, I started to cry again but didn't bother to wipe the tears away.There was no point.
"Well," Uncle Ray said when I was done."That's quite the pickle you've put yourself in.But I have to say, Lex, I just don't under—"