Page 98 of Vegas Duology

A chill ran down my spine."No, they aren't due to check out until tomorrow.Look again."

Nancy turned back to the computer."Sorry, Leo.It seems they checked out this morning."

"No."I put my hands to my face and pushed my thumbs into my eye sockets in an effort to relieve the building pressure.

She wouldn't have left.Something must be wrong.She wouldn't leave again.She wouldn't.

"Leo?Do you need me to call someone?You don't look good.Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," I said and pulled my hands away from my face, smoothing my hair.I tried my best to hide my rapidly increasing panic."Thanks, Nancy."

I left her and crossed the tiled floor.The sounds of the busy lobby were muffled, as if I were underwater.Bruce, the desk manager, was busy checking customers into their rooms.I waited as patiently as I could while he handed a couple their keys and gave them a quick explanation on how to get to the proper elevator bank.As soon as they turned to leave, I grabbed Bruce's sleeve.

"Were you working this morning?"

"Hey," he said and removed his arm from my grip."Nice to see you, too, Leo and yes, actually, I worked the graveyard shift.I'm just covering for Susan this morning; she's at a doc—"

"Sure, whatever," I said, trying to keep my voice level."Did you happen to notice a couple checking out a day early?"

Bruce raised a bushy eyebrow.

"It's important," I said, trying to use a professional voice."They were at a wedding I hosted last night and I think the woman may be in some kind of trouble."

Bruce narrowed his eyes, but he sighed and said, "What room were they in?"

"Titan—room 6423."

He nodded."I remember them.They checked out in the middle of the night."


"Must have been almost four in the morning.He said they had a flight to catch."

"Did he say anything else?Did you see his wife?"

"What's this about?"

"Did you see the woman?"I yelled.

"No," Bruce answered tightly."I didn't see her."

I turned and walked past the other desk clerks, who had all stopped what they were doing to stare at me.Weaving through the guests who were waiting to leave for tours in the lobby, I crossed the marble floor, and pushed my way into the men's bathroom where I found a vacant stall and promptly threw up the contents of my stomach.

When I had finished, I let the water in the sink run cold before splashing it on my face.It wasn't until my skin was sufficiently numb that I looked up at my reflection.

Roberta was right.I looked like shit.I doused my face again, letting the cold water drip off my skin where it soaked the front of me.I needed a fresh shirt.I hadn't changed since being with Lexi last night.

Was it really only hours ago that I tasted her lips, felt her body in my arms?

"She's gone," I said to my reflection.

"Brutal, man.Lost love in Vegas is the worst," a man said, coming out of a stall.He stood at the sink next to me.He reeked of cigarette smoke and stale alcohol.The stench of him made my stomach flip again."Happens all the time, buddy.It's just that kinda town."

I turned back to the mirror.

"It's just that kind of town," I repeated to myself.

"Like I said, happens all the time.By the look of ya, she was probably somethin' special, huh?Hurts more when they're special."