I leftLeo in the lobby.I knew what I needed to do.What I'd needed to do for years.
It was time.We parted with a hug, but as much as I wanted to, I couldn't kiss him again.Not until I spoke to Andrew.It wasn't fair.And despite everything between us, Andrew wasn't a bad man.He loved me, and he didn't deserve this.
I took one more look at Leo before the elevator doors closed.I didn't bother memorizing him; this wouldn't be the last time I'd see him.I knew that now.I'd call him when I was done talking to Andrew.I just didn't know when that would be.For all I knew, Andrew was still wandering around the casino or gambling somewhere.
It was two in the morning by the time I slid the key card in the lock of our room, but time didn't mean anything in Vegas.
I opened the door slowly, afraid to find him up waiting, more afraid that he wouldn't be.But the room wasn't dark as I'd expected.The bedside lamp burned and illuminated Andrew and our suitcases, which were packed and sitting on the bed.He jumped up when he saw me.
"Where have you been?"he asked.He didn't sound angry and he looked exhausted.No longer wearing his wedding clothes, he had changed into jeans and a polo shirt, but they were rumpled, like he'd slept in them.His eyes were red with dark circles under them.Had he been crying?Maybe he already knew.
"I'm sorry, Andrew.I—"
"Lexi, we have to talk," he said and took my arm.His touch was gentle as he guided me to the bed.
"I know we do.I have so much I need to—"
"You didn't take your cell phone with you," he said as if he hadn't heard me at all."I didn't know how to get in touch with you, and I've been waiting, hoping you would get back in time.We have to go now or we'll be late."He spoke fast, and his voice was thick, with emotion or exhaustion.It took me a moment to register what he was saying.
"Go where?Be late for what?"
Andrew stopped and looked me in the eye.Despite the obvious sleep deprivation, his eyes were clear.He hadn't been drinking."Lexi, we have to go home," he said, much slower.
I looked around the room for the first time, at our bags, our coats lying on top of them.Everything was packed.
What was happening?Panic began to seep through me, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up."Andrew, what's wrong?Is Ben okay?"
He scrubbed a hand across his face and his eyes glistened with unshed tears but he didn't answer right away.
Andrew didn't cry.Ever.
I hopped off the bed and yanked his hand away from his face.
"Andrew!Tell me," I yelled."Tell me my baby is okay."
Waiting wasn't easy.I felt that part of me, the most important part—the part that remembered how to breathe—had gone with her.I was empty.
It had been four hours since Lexi left.I knew she wasn't gone forever.I knew it was only four hours.Four hours where I should have been sleeping, resting for the busy work day ahead.But I couldn't sleep.How could I when I knew she was upstairs with her husband?When I knew she was telling him about us?Telling him the truth.In only a few hours, my life would change.
Of course I couldn't sleep.Instead, I was in my office, mindlessly moving papers around and staring at the details of a jewelry convention for next weekend.I hadn't read a word.I glanced at my Blackberry and checked for the hundredth time that it was on and receiving messages.There were messages.
None from Lexi.
What was taking so long?I should've heard something by now.Anything.
Frustrated, I pushed away from my desk and looked for something to take my mind off the phone that wasn't ringing.
Moving the mouse, my computer screen came to life.I flicked through some emails but didn't read anything.Not really.
"Focus," I said.
"Talking to yourself, boss?"Roberta appeared in the doorway, looking perfectly put together as always.She probably slept.
"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?Go home.You don't have to work all the time."