Page 78 of Vegas Duology

She pulled away.I don't know how she managed it but her eyes were red and swollen, and her tear-stained face was already blotchy.All this in only thirty seconds of tears.Thank goodness I hadn't attempted the make-up yet."What's going on?Talk to me."

She snorted and wiped her nose with the back of her hand."I can't get married," she wailed and threw herself onto the bed.

Her sobs ratcheted up to full scale as I watched her let loose.After a moment, I took a deep breath."Nic," I said and moved to the edge of the bed."This isn't very Zen.Maybe you should try taking a deep breath or some relaxa—"

"Screw Zen!"She flipped around and sat up, clutching a pillow to her chest."My life is falling apart and you're talking about being fucking Zen?"

"I just thought, well, maybe..."

"Oh, Lexi," she wailed, her anger dissolving into tears again."What was I thinking?I can't get married without my mom.The wedding's off."

Of course.Her mom.I knew this was a bad idea.

"Do you want to call her again?"I reached for my cell phone.Nicole's mom had phoned shortly after we got out of the spa, and she'd had a light, breezy, very un-Nicole like conversation with her.It was time for a real mother-to-daughter chat.

"She won't want to hear from me now," Nicole said."Not like this.I'm a horrible daughter.What was I thinking, running off to get married without her?I'm awful.I'm an awful daughter."She curled around the pillow and resumed crying.

"Nic," I tried.

"Call it off."She pulled her head up long enough to yell at me.

I thought about saying something, about telling her to quit being so dramatic, about telling her that Ryan loved her, and this was their special day.That it wasn't about her mom, but I closed my mouth.I remembered very well how I'd felt on my wedding day when I thought about how much it would have meant to have my mom there with me.And for me there hadn't been a choice.

I watched her for a moment and then left her lying on the bed, went into the living room, and made a phone call.

"I know it's last minute," I said into the phone for at least the tenth time."But it's an emergency.I have a bride in distress.Surely you can understand that?"

"Ma'am, there's nothing I can do.I'm sorry," said the lady on the other end.

I sighed and looked up at the bedroom door, where Nicole was undoubtedly still bawling.I took a deep breath and said the name I didn't want to say.

"Leo Mendez.Do you know him?"

"Of course I know him, ma'am.He's the manager of guest relations here at the Mirage."

"He's a friend of mine," I said."I'm sure he'd consider it a personal favor if you could help me out with this today."I held my breath but it didn't take her long.

"For a friend of Mr.Mendez, anything.I'll have it up to your room right away, ma'am.Is there anything else?"

"No," I said, releasing my breath."That will be perfect."

I hung up the phone, made another quick call back to Canada and went into the bathroom.I'd give Nicole another minute; she needed to cry.Once she got some emotion out of her, she'd be in a better state.Then I could talk to her.There was no point now.

I looked in the mirror and grabbed the make-up bag Nicole had supplied me with earlier.My experience with make-up was very basic; I never had the chance to dress up.On the few occasions that Andrew wanted me to come to a work function, I usually muddled my way through, and the result wasn't too bad.Maybe with a little luck, I could do that again today.

I unzipped the bag; there was a photo of a model lying on top with a sticky note covered in directions.I smiled.I should have known better.Nicole wouldn't leave my make-up to chance.I picked through the bottles, powders, and lotions and did my best to simulate the colors in the picture.When I had finished, I looked up and evaluated the results.

"Not too bad," I said to my reflection.Nicole would be impressed.

There was a knock on the door.Perfect timing.I sprinted to answer it.We didn't have much time.

"Come in."

The bellhop rolled a cart into the center of the room.And pulled off a large white cloth, revealing the laptop I'd requested, complete with video camera.

"Everything is here, ma'am," he said."Would you like me to plug it in for you?"

"No, thanks.I got it."I handed him a ten dollar bill, hoped it was enough, and turned my attention to the cart.