Page 71 of Vegas Duology



The rushof water on my skin was a relief.I closed my eyes and let the shower cool me.I'd be a liar if I said that seeing Leo again hadn't affected me.

I was a liar.

Because that's more or less what I'd been telling Andrew for the last two hours.Dinner had been torturous.After Leo left, the tension between Andrew and me was palpable.I wanted dinner over as quickly as possible so we could leave.I ordered the special without bothering to look at the menu but Andrew pretended to agonize over his decision before he settled on his usual, prime rib.Over our meals, he continued to fire questions at me about Leo.

"How do you really know him?"

"I told you, he helped me with Nicole's birthday last time we were here."

"And?"Andrew said, reaching for his wine glass.

I put my hand out to stop him."Don't you think you had enough?"

He yanked away."Don't you dare tell me I've had too much to drink."

It's not like Andrew had a drinking problem.In fact, he rarely drank at all, which was a good thing because alcohol had a tendency to make him act like a completely different person and say things he didn't mean.

Or maybe he did mean them?Either way, he acted like an ass.

"Forget it," I mumbled and took a big bite of my steak.The faster we finished eating, the better.

"I think there's more to your story," he said and took a healthy gulp of his wine.

"What are you talking about?"

"The guy," he said."You're not telling me something."

There's no way he could see through me that easily.Besides, even if he did know the truth, it's not like I cheated on him.We were separated.On our way to divorce.He had no room to get mad.

"There is, isn't there?"Andrew pointed his finger at me."I bet you slept with him."

I dropped my fork and it clattered against my plate.Trying to avoid his gaze and accusing finger, I took a sip of my water.

"I'm right."Andrew sounded triumphant and a moment later angry, when he said, "Well, am I?"

"Are you what?"

"Don't play dumb, Lexi.You're not stupid.Tell me the truth.Did you sleep with that guy?"

"Andrew, I don't thin—"

"I think now is a damn good time to tell me who else my wife's been opening her legs to."

Anger shot through me, and I worked hard to control my voice as I said, "I'm going to pretend that that was the booze talking and let it go.But if you ever speak to me like that again, you will live to regret it."

He sat back in his seat as if I'd slapped him, and his face twisted in horror when he realized what he said.

Drunk enough to say it, but not too drunk to know he'd crossed a line.Perfect.

"Lex, I'm—"

"I don't want to hear it."And I didn't.I just wanted to get out of here and let Andrew sleep it off before he said something else.Or before I told him the truth."Let's go."

After I signed the bill and got him up to the room, I avoided any further conversation by jumping into the shower.I didn't want to deal with Andrew.I couldn't even look at him, let alone talk to him I was so angry.But if I had to be honest with myself, and I might as well be, I wanted—no, needed—some time alone to process the whirl of thoughts and emotions at seeing Leo.