Page 50 of Vegas Duology



I poked my head out of the closet and listened for Ben.

Nothing.I waited a second longer, shrugged and pushed my way to the back of the walk-in closet again and continued searching.I knew the suitcase was there somewhere.I pushed aside a large tote, probably full of clothes that hadn't fit in years.Which is how long it had been since I needed my suitcase for anything.

"Score."I fell to my knees and started to wrestle the suitcase free.I grabbed the handle and yanked, throwing my body weight behind it.


"Crap," I said as I tumbled backwards into a rack of Andrew's shoes.I looked up to see Ben standing over me."I mean..."

"You shouldn't say crap, Mom."

"Neither should you.And don't scare me like that."I hauled myself up and readjusted the shoes.

"I called you," Ben said."You didn't answer."

"What's up?I thought you were building Lego castles."I grabbed the suitcase, now freed, and yanked it out into the room.I always left packing until the last minute but with our flight leaving in six hours, this was pushing it, even for me.

Ben followed me and flopped on the king-sized bed."I was," he said, "but I wanna play with you."

I tossed two pairs of denim shorts on the bed next to him and grabbed a handful of silky tank tops that I'd bought last summer.They looked sexy and casual; at least that's what Nicole had said."Buddy, you know I'd love to, but I have to pack."

Ben stuck his lower lip out."Not fair.How come Auntie Nicole's getting married and I can't come?Jake in my class got to be a ring wearer when his uncle got married."

"Ring bearer."


"Ring bearer, not ring wearer."

Ben shrugged."He got a present."

"He probably had to wear a tuxedo too."

"What's that?"

"A really uncomfortable suit," I told him."Trust me.You don't want it.Besides, you'd have to worry about losing the ring, and you'd have to walk up the aisle in front of everyone.It's no fun at all."

"You're doing it."

"Yeah, but I get to wear a dress."

"Do you get a present?"

I tossed the sundress I was holding back on the bed and looked at him."Is that what this is all about?A present?"

Ben dove under my pillow.

"It is, isn't it?"I said and jumped on the bed, causing his little body to bounce.I grabbed him around the waist and went straight for his tickle spot under the arms.He squealed and thrashed, trying, without much effort, to get away from me.

"M...M..."He was too busy giggling to get the words out.

I stopped tickling and let him catch his breath."Admit it," I said."You're all about the present."

"Am not," he said and crossed his arms, tucking his hands into his armpits.