Page 48 of Vegas Duology

"Well, that's the thing."She took a sip of her own coffee and used a napkin to wipe the foam from her lip."It's only going to be the four of us."

"Since when?"

"Since Ryan's family decided that a Vegas wedding wasn't classy enough.They wanted a huge, black-tie, formal affair.And since that's not happening, they're not coming.It seemed strange to have one family and not the other, and my mom doesn't really like to travel, so we decided it was easier to keep it small."

"Nicole, that's crazy.You have to have your family there."

"You think so?"

"Of course I think so.You can't get married without your mom.Is she okay with this?"

"Sure."Nicole shrugged but wouldn't look me in the eyes."Besides, Ryan's family decided to throw us some sort of dinner in our honor when we get back and I think my mom will be happy to have a BBQ or something to celebrate.So, it's going to be an intimate affair.Nice and simple.Plus, it means that I get to wear my dress again.It's perfect."

I took a sip of my latte, letting the warmth spread through me.I closed my eyes and willed the caffeine to do its work."Of course it'll be perfect," I said when I opened my eyes."As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure.And then I won't have to worry about my mom driving me crazy with all the details.You know how she can get.It's obsessive, really."

"You're her only daughter.It's normal."My thoughts flashed to my own mother.Would she have loved to help me plan my wedding?There were few times in my life that I'd missed her more than I had on my own wedding day."Nic, are you really sure about not having your mom there?It's a pretty big deal.You should be really certain."

"I totally am," Nicole said."Ever since I made the decision, it's like a big weight has been lifted off me.I can breathe again.I was so worried about making sure Mom was happy.This way, she can organize her own party and have complete control.Trust me.It's so much better this way."

"Okay.If you're sure, then I'm on board.So, Andrew's really going to stand up for Ryan?Did you ask him?"

"Actually, I think Ryan phoned him a few days ago but he hasn't gotten back to him yet.He didn't mention it?"

I shook my head.We hadn't spent much time together in the last week.Andrew was working double time to get everything taken care of at the office in time for the trip.

"I'll remind him to call Ryan back tonight," I said.And if I didn't see him, I'd leave a note but I didn't bother to tell Nicole that."I'm sure the answer will be yes.He was pretty excited about going to Vegas.He's wanted to for years."

Nicole looked down at her drink, stuck her finger in the froth of her latte and swirled."Thanks again, for that."

"For what?"

"For Vegas.I know the whole idea weirds you out."

My stomach clenched for a second."I don't know what you're talking about.Vegas doesn't 'weird me out.'"

Nicole looked up and sucked the foam off her finger.Her eyes challenged me and it took everything I had not to look away."Really?Then why haven't you ever gone back?Even when Andrew surprised you with tickets for your birthday last year?"

"Ben was sick."


"What's this about?Why does it matter?"

"You can tell me," Nicole said, slipping into guidance counselor mode."It's okay to talk about it.About—"

"Leo."As soon as the name slipped out of my mouth, I wanted to take it back.It was ridiculous how the sound of his name could make my skin tingle after so much time.

"Right," Nicole said slowly."Leo."She was looking at me with a strange expression but I didn't say anything."It's been a long time, Lex.Don't you think maybe—"

"Nic, stop.Please."I drank the rest of my coffee and put the cup on the table with a little more force than was necessary."I'm not weirded out, so it's not a big deal."

"Whatever you say.But for the record, Lex?You didn't do anything wrong and besides, it's not like he's going to be there or you'll even see him again.One guy isn't a reason to avoid an entire city."

I wasn't avoiding Las Vegas because of Leo.So what if I associated the lights and glitz of the Strip with him?If every time I saw a television show or movie filmed there, my mind flashed back to the night we spent together?It didn't mean anything.And last year on my birthday, Ben had been sick and deferring the tickets didn't seem right.It's not like I was avoiding Vegas.That would be dumb.

"I'm not avoiding anything," I said."I'm going to your wedding, right?"