Page 37 of Vegas Duology

"Nic?Guess what?"I whispered, almost afraid to say the words out loud."I'm pregnant."

"Lex?Oh my God, that's awesome."

"I know.I just took the test.It still doesn't seem real."

"How preggo are you?I mean, you must bejustpregnant."

"My period is four days late, so..."

"Wow, you guys don't waste any time, do you?"

"It must have happened the night I got home," I said.

Nicole was quiet on the other end of the line.

"You still there?"I asked.

"Yeah, I'm's nothing."


"Or, maybe it happened before."She said the words so quietly I had to strain to hear her.


"I know, I know."She was quick to apologize."It was stupid.I shouldn't have said anything.Of course you were careful; it's just...forget it.A baby!I'm going to be an auntie."

She babbled on about shopping, names, and other things I only half heard.I flipped open the pantry and stared at the calendar that hung on the back of the door.

Of course it was the night I got home.Or...

I closed my eyes and put one hand on my stomach, still hearing Nicole's voice in my ear talking about nursery colors.

I was going to be a mom.That's all that mattered.