Page 30 of Vegas Duology

“Sure she is.And I bet the minute she gets home from her Vegas weekend, she’ll tell all her friends about her wild weekend fling with a local and that’ll be the end of it.Don’t kid yourself, Leo.It’s not worth it.Let’s go.”

Was it just a fling?Would I ever see Lexi again?Of course I would.Making love to her this morning was just that—love.

My thoughts battled in my head as I tried to replay the last twenty-four hours.It was more than just sex; it felt like more.But how could I know for sure?And what Keith was saying was true; the KA party would be a career maker.I couldn’t pass it up.That would be the stupidest thing I could do.

“Come on, Leo,” Keith said.“Let’s go.We’ll get Tamara at the front desk to get you a new phone.Now there’s a girl you should busy yourself with.She’s hot as hell and would jump into bed with you in a flash.”

“What are you talking about?”I shook my head and tried to clear thoughts of Lexi.

Maybe I could call her from the house phone and explain?

“Tamara—she’ll do anything for you.Come on.”

I let Keith lead me through the hallways, listening as he filled me in on the details of the KA event, as least as much as he knew.When we got to the lobby, I found Tamara and asked her to get housekeeping to retrieve my phone for me.Keith was waiting at the end of the counter, tapping his foot, but I turned my back to him, picked up the house phone and dialed Lexi’s room number.It rang three times before going to the voicemail service.

She must have already left.

“Keith,” I called, “do we have time to—”


Damn.I scribbled a note for Lexi, trying my best to explain and left my phone number, asking her to please call me.She’d understand.

She had to.

Locating Tamara again, I handed her the note.“Could you please get this to room 2634?Or watch for a blond woman, tall, with legs that—she’ll be down here in a few minutes.”

“Isn’t that the same room you just told me to send housekeeping to fetch your phone?”Tamara asked.She smiled and before I could stop her, opened the note and scanned it.“Looks like someone had a little fun last night,” she said.I thought I detected a bit of jealousy in her voice, but that might have been because of what Keith had told me earlier.Maybe Tamara was interested in me.

“It was nothing,” I said, trying my best to flirt with her so she’d help me out.“Can you just make sure the note gets there?I would really owe you.”

“Anything for you, Leo,” she said and smiled in a way that needed no clarification.

“Leo,” Keith yelled.“It’s go time.”

“Thanks, Tamara,” I said.I glanced at the note to Lexi in her hands, and turned to meet Keith.

“I’m ready, Keith.Let’s do this.”

“Leo, buddy.Today is going to change your life.”