There was silence on the other end and for a moment I was concerned I might be responsible for Nicole going into early labor.I waited a beat.“Nic?”
“You’re considering it?”
“An opportunity in Vegas?”
“Good?”I was expecting any variety of responses, butgoodwasn’t one of them.
“Yes,” she said.“Good.Not that I want you to move, but let’s face it.”
“Face what?”
“You were never going to be able to stay at Lake Lillian forever, Lex.It was temporary.”
“I don’t understand.It wasn’t temporary; it was...”I drifted off because on one hand her words confused me, but on the other hand, they made complete sense.She was right.Living in Lake Lillian long-term had never been the plan but after Uncle Ray died and I left Andrew, it just seemed like the place I needed to be.My sanctuary.And when Leo had come from Vegas to be with us, well...we’d just never left.But now...“I think you’re right,” I said after a moment.
“Of course I’m right.Besides, it’s not like we’ve been in the same city for the last few years, and if you’re living in one of my favorite places, it just gives me a good reason to come visit you so you can see your beautiful godbaby or babies.”
I laughed again.“Of course you better come visit me.I need to have lots of baby cuddles and—” I almost told her again about the baby, but I bit my tongue just in time.
“But get married, would you?”
I shook my head before telling her about our near-miss nuptials.Before I hung up, I promised her that we’d at least think about it and by the time I tucked my cell phone back into my pocket and walked down the path that led to the main building, I felt a lot better about the choices Leo and I had to make, because whatever happened, I knew we’d make them together.As a family.
The rest of the day passed quickly but I only saw Leo again in passing.He was busy with Keith: walking through the grounds, brainstorming ideas, and making lists.I decided a lazy afternoon was in order and allowed myself the luxury of lounging by the pool with Roxanne.I tried not to feel underdressed, or in this case, under made up when I was around her.She was a beautiful woman and every time I saw her, she was all dolled up, makeup on and hair done, perfectly in place.In sharp contrast to me, who considered mascara and lip gloss mygoing outface.Her clothes were carefully chosen while mine were whatever I had that would fit from the last time I went shopping, I don’t know how long ago.But I wasn’t judging based on outside appearances, because talking with Roxanne was actually a lot of fun.It was refreshing to hang out with someone who didn’t know my history or my life back home.Besides, if we were going to stay, I’d be spending a lot of time with Roxanne.
“Don’t take this the wrong way.”I shifted the umbrella overhead.I was starting to feel the heat from the sun, and the last thing I wanted was a sunburn.“But what are you going to do at Oasis to keep yourself busy?Do you work?”
She laughed.“There’s no way I could take that the wrong way.I’m actually talking to Keith about getting involved with some of the activities planning.There’s a lot of opportunity for some fun family-oriented events and activities and I have a lot of good ideas about that, so he thought maybe we could turn it into a full-time position.I have experience in that area.Well, a little bit anyway.I used to manage a daycare.”
I would have been less shocked if she’d told me she used to be a show girl.I sat up in my lounge chair and stared at her.“What?You?”
“I know.I don’t really look like I worked with kids, but I did.Sort of.”She tucked a stray hair back into the twist at the back of her head.“To be fair, I didn’t really work with the children, but I worked around them.But ever since Evan and Ruby were born, I’ve had this strange maternal urge to do things and make memories.Does that make sense?”
I nodded, because it absolutely did.“Before Ben was born, I could never understand why some people liked to go pick out pumpkins in a field, or sing Christmas carols and all of that.But when he was born...”Everything changed.I didn’t bother saying it; as mothers, we both knew it to be true.There were some things you couldn’t put into words, and the way you felt about your children was generally one of those things.
“So what do you think you’re going to do here?”Roxanne changed the subject.“Keith told me you’re a teacher.I’m not sure what the requirements are for you to teach in Nevada, but maybe—”
“I think I’d be good taking a bit of time off,” I answered, surprising even myself.“At least until after the baby is born and then we’ll have to see.”
A smile split Roxanne’s face.“So you decided to stay then?I mean, I know Keith said it was a done deal, but what he doesn’t realize is that nothing is a done deal until the woman agrees.”
I laughed and nodded.“It’s a done deal.We still need to talk to Ben, but assuming he agrees with a little change and leaving his friends for a bit, I think we’ll give it a shot.Change is good sometimes.”We still needed to figure out the financing, and I still wasn’t totally clear on what Leo’s plan was for making that part of the equation add up, but I knew I didn’t want him to sell the inn.I needed to talk to him a bit more, but the more I thought of it, the more I thought that we should use the inheritance from Uncle Ray to make up the difference.
“Well, I’m glad.”Roxanne sat up abruptly and lunged for her cell phone that had started to chirp.I watched as her face underwent myriad expressions before finally settling into the warm smile I was getting used to.She set the phone down and jumped up.“Can I ask you for a favor?”
I nodded slowly.Something about the way she looked at me made me a bit nervous.“What’s that?”
“I know this sounds ridiculous, but do you think you could try on one of my dresses for me?”
It did sound ridiculous.Especially considering we weren’t really the same size.Roxanne definitely had a fuller bustline, and that was putting it mildly.Plus, with my thickening waist, it wasn’t likely anything that she owned would fit me.
“I know what you’re thinking.”She grabbed my hand, yanking me up and out of my chair before I could object.“But I have the perfect dress for you.”