Page 163 of Vegas Duology



I stroked Lexi’s hair,her head in my lap as she drifted off to sleep.It was still early in the day, and Lexi rarely napped, but it wasn’t every day we had emotionally draining conversations.And it was definitely not every day that she was carrying a baby.Our baby.My hand snuck down to her abdomen and I floated my hand over her skin, careful not to wake her.I still couldn’t get over the fact that she was so far along and I was just finding out.Logically I knew why she’d kept it a secret.Hell, from the sound of it, she’d denied it to herself for weeks...months, too.I got it.I really did.

But thirteen weeks?

That changed everything.I knew I shouldn’t let myself get my hopes up too much, but I couldn’t help it.I had a good feeling about this time.Scratch that, I had a good feeling abouteverything.I’d screwed up by not talking to Lexi about the hotel.I’d screwed up big time and for a moment I thought maybe it was too much, but one thing I knew was never to underestimate my love.

We’d talked and she saw the potential in Oasis just as I had.We still needed to talk to Ben, but at least now we were both on the same page and as long as he didn’t have any strong objections about staying in Las Vegas for a little bit—which, given our conversation earlier, I doubted—we’d give it a try.And now with a baby on the way, it might just be the fresh start we needed as a family.

I bent to press a kiss to Lexi’s forehead before I slid out from under her.She needed to sleep, and when she was rested and ready, we’d talk to Ben.Until then, I had a lot to discuss with Keith.Including the financing details for the deal.It was no small amount of money and Lexi had a point: we needed to take a long, hard look at our finances and how we could make it happen.

But first things first.I had one very major thing to take care of.I let the door to our suite close softly behind me and went to find my son to help me out.

He was right where I left him, scarfing down waffles at the breakfast table with Roxanne’s two kids.“Are you still eating?”I glanced at the clock on the wall.I’d been gone for over an hour.“Do you have a hollow leg?”

“No.”He looked at me as if I’d just sprouted a horn.“I’m hungry.”

Roxanne laughed.“Don’t worry, Leo.They took a break and went and played for a bit before coming back for second breakfast.”

“Keith says we’re like hobbits,” Ben said with a mouthful.


Keith shrugged.“In the movie, they talk about second breakfast.”He waved a hand.“It doesn’t matter.Is everything okay?Lexi good?”

I tried not to smile too widely when I answered.“She’s great.Just having a little nap, but she’ll be out in a bit.”

“Think Mom will dive off the diving board with me later?”

“I don’t think so, buddy.Not this time.”

“Why not?”

Everyone at the table stared at me.Lexi always went off the diving board, although only Ben would have known that.“She might.”I shrugged, knowing full well I wouldn’t let her do any such thing now that I knew she was pregnant.“We’ll have to see how she feels when she wakes up.”

I helped myself to some breakfast and while I ate, the kids finished theirsecond breakfastand were back in the pool, Roxanne excused herself and it was just Keith and I left to talk business.

“About the investment.”I might as well bring up the big issue right away.I stirred some more creamer into my coffee although I’d already had three cups and took a sip before I continued.“It’s a lot of money.”

“It is.”

“It might take a bit to come up with it all.”That was an understatement.“Were you able to come up with yours all at once?I realize that’s a personal question.But I’m just trying to figure out—”

“It’s okay.I actually had some savings and a few investments that I was able to cash in.”Keith tipped his head, questioning me with his gaze.“What’s up?Did you talk to Lexi yet?”

I nodded.Of course, we needed to talk about it some more, but preliminary talks were good.Once we got over the fight, that is.

“So, is she on board?”Keith picked at a piece of bacon one of the kids had left behind.“Because I know we agreed, but if it’s a big problem, nothing is signed.We can find another investor.I have a few other—”

“No.She’s good.”I took a gulp of hot coffee.“I should say, she’s good now.We still have a lot to discuss.But she agrees it’s a great opportunity.It’s just the investment dollars.I still have a few things to work out there.”

Keith opened his mouth to say something else, but I didn’t want to give him any excuse to even consider other investors.I quickly changed the subject to something that was more pressing anyway.“Did I see boats down by the water yesterday?Does Oasis have any or is that the neighboring resort?”I had an idea the other day and I was definitely going to need Keith’s help to execute it.Especially if it was going to be as special as I hoped it would be.


I let the phone ring three times and was almost ready to hang up when Nicole answered on the fourth ring, out of breath and gasping for air.