Page 158 of Vegas Duology

“Come on.”Ben grabbed my hand and yanked me off the beach.

“Where are we going?”I went along with him, surprised at the strength he had.It was kind of shocking how fast he was becoming an actual man.

“We have to tell Mom.She’s going to be so psyched.”

“Whoa.”I put the brakes on and yanked Ben to a stop.“Hang on a second.”I glanced over his shoulder up the hill to where I could see Lexi and Roxanne sitting next to the pool.Over toward the main building, Keith and the kids looked as if they were sitting down to breakfast.I couldn’t tell Ben the details of why I didn’t want him to run off and tell Lexi the good news, not before I had a chance to talk to her myself.There were too many things we needed to clear up because besides the realization the night before that I wanted more than anything to make her my wife, I also realized that I couldn’t live with all the secrets between us.Not since that first major secret after all our years apart, the secret of my son, had we ever kept anything from each other.We’d sworn to be upfront with each other no matter what.

So what had changed?

I shook my head, clearing the question and looked down at Ben, who watched me with a strange expression.

“Why can’t we tell Mom?”

I forced a smile and opened my mouth to tell him what I hoped wouldn’t turn out to be another lie.“Because even though your mom and I have talked about marriage, I’ve never actually proposed and I think she deserves a pretty awesome proposal.Don’t you?”

His face lit up in a smile, just the way I knew it would.There was no one Ben loved more than his mom, and he loved nothing more than making her happy.

He was a lot like his dad that way.