Page 150 of Vegas Duology

“So you’re in?”Keith held his hand out to me.Despite the fact that we’d been going over the pros and cons of buying in to the Oasis for the last hour and I had yet to find a flaw in the business plan, I didn’t take his hand.We’d discussed changing the focus of the resort away from the original intention of being a posh, upscale destination, to a family-friendly vacation hot spot.“Leo?”Keith raised his eyebrow, but kept his hand extended.“You in?Or out?”

I may not have found a flaw in the business plan, but I’d definitely found a flaw in one minor—no, strike that—major detail.Lexi.

“You know Lexi’s on board.”It was as if he read my mind.“I talked to her,” Keith continued.“She sees the potential.”

I was sure she did.But I couldn’t imagine she was on board.“I need to talk it over with her.”

“I don’t think you do.”Keith shoved his hand in his back pocket.“I didn’t need to discuss it with Roxanne.We’re not married.My money is mine.My opportunities are mine.My future is—”

“Your own?”It was my turn to shake my head at him.“It will be your own if you keep taking that kind of attitude.”

Keith shook his head and grabbed his beer.While we’d been going over the finer details of the agreement and the opportunity while Keith’s girlfriend showed Lexi the spa and the suites at the back of the resort.Keith and his crew had taken up residence in one, and another would be for myself, Lexi, and Ben to stay in.At least for the time being.Maybe permanently?I couldn’t get ahead of myself.As much as I loved being back in Nevada, the dry heat even in November seeping into my bones, it wasn’t our home.And there was definitely more than just myself to consider.I needed to think about Lexi and Ben.My family.I could no longer make decisions without consulting my—

“Leo, look.I’m not trying to pressure you.”I turned back to Keith, who looked exactly as though he was trying to pressure me.“But I told the investors you were a sure thing.If you’re not interested, I need to start searching for someone who is.And I mean, like right now.I already told you the timeline for this.The soft launch will start December 20.In time for Christmas and we have some exciting things planned for the New Year so Oasis can come onto the scene in a big way.But I can’t go ahead with any of that until I know if you’re in or not.So what is it?”

I glanced around, hoping Lexi might appear around the corner and I could use the opportunity for a quick conversation.This was not a decision I could make on my own.I just couldn’t.


Or could I?

It would be tight, but I knew Lexi had money set aside from her uncle’s estate.But I couldn’t touch that.There was our savings.I know Lexi planned to have the cabin re-insulated.But if we moved, we wouldn’t need to do that.I didn’t have much saved, but I had a retirement savings from my days working on the Strip, and if I sold the Lake Lillian Inn...I could do it.But I’d have to sell the inn.I couldn’t just move my whole family from the Canadian mountains to the Nevada desert without so much as a conversation with Lexi, could I?

But I’d seen the look in her eyes.I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen her looking so relaxed.So at peace.Maybe it was a chance for a fresh start for us as a family.A family of three.Back where it all began.


We could put all the baby talk out of our heads and focus on building a business together, as a family.I didn’t need another child.I needed my family whole and happy and maybe the Oasis was exactly the place for that.I took a quick glance around at the pools where Ben was still playing with his new friends.I scanned the gardens that were just starting to take root, and let my eyes travel down to the water and the lake that was really the centerpiece for the resort.It was amazing.It could be great.That much I knew.


I turned my attention back to Keith.

“I’ll do it.”I thrust my hand out and he caught it quickly in his firm grip, solidifying our agreement.