Page 146 of Vegas Duology



It took justover thirty minutes to get from the airport to Lake Las Vegas and by the time we got there, my anxiety level had dropped considerably.Leo was right.We’d never had a family holiday and we were long overdue.Besides, I didn’t need to get all worked up about Vegas.If I really stopped to think about it, there were definitely more good memories than bad here.A lot more.Leo and I had met here.Ben was conceived here.Leo and I reconnected here.These were all good things.Very good things.I was being ridiculous.

Sometimes it took your best friend pointing that out for you to see it yourself.And that’s exactly what happened the night before when I called Nicole to tell her about the trip.

“I’m so jealous,” she’d moaned over the line.“Ryan and I would join you in a heartbeat if I wasn’t big as a house.”Nicole and Ryan were expecting their first child, right after Christmas.A fact that as her best friend, I was thrilled about.But as a woman who was desperate to have a baby of her own, stung a little every time we talked.“Oh God, Lexi.I’m sorry.I shouldn’t have—”

“Of course you should have.My baby-less status has nothing to do with your big belly, and that’s the way it should be.You know I’m thrilled for you guys.Besides, I can’t wait to finally be Auntie Lexi and pay you back for all those obnoxious toys you gave Ben over the years.”

Nicole’s laughter filled the line, followed quickly by a small squeal.“Oh my God.How is it that I’m already peeing a little when I laugh?I thought that wasn’t supposed to happen until after childbirth.This kid is going to be trouble.I already know it.”

I laughed along with her.“Yes, she is.Especially if she’s anything like you.”

“No fair.I am amazing.”

“Yes, you are.”It was the truth.“But Ryan is definitely going to have his work cut out for him with two of you.”Also the truth.

“Well, I know you can help with that.As her godmother, you’ll be the perfect role model and pick up all my parenting slack.”

I rolled my eyes, despite the fact she couldn’t see.Nicole and I had been best friends since college and we’d always been polar opposites.Where she’d been outgoing and daring, I’d been quiet and reserved.But somehow it worked.She was the yang to my yin, a perfect balance.And when she and Ryan asked Leo and me to be the godparents to their child, despite the fact that we didn’t attend church on a very regular basis—at all—there was no answer besides absolutely yes.

“About that,” Nicole continued.“The minister asked again the other day about your marital status.What’s going on there?”

The fact that Leo and I had never gotten around to getting married seemed to bother almost everyone else more than it bothered us.

“You know,” I’d said, “I think it’s interesting how worried you are about Leo and me being legitimate godparents when you guys didn’t even get married in a church.”

“Well, first of all,” Nicole said with a sigh.“You know that for us, the whole godparent thing is more about having a guardian and a special relationship with you than anything religious.”

I knew that.We’d discussed it before.

“But it’s important to Ryan’s mom,” Nicole continued.“Like, really important.And the more I think about it, I think it’s probably a good idea.I mean, it can’t hurt to secure things with the big guy upstairs, right?”

I laughed.That was typical Nicole and I loved her for it.“I get it, Nic.I do.”

“So about the wedding?”

“There isn’t a wedding.”I tried not to sigh.“In fact, the reason I’m calling is to tell you that we’re all going on a trip.Leo planned a little surprise long weekend thing to Lake Las Vegas.”


“LakeLas Vegas.”I emphasizedlake.“It’s a completely different place.”

“Not if it has Vegas in the name.”

Again, I rolled my eyes.“Whatever.”

“How are you with that?”Nicole knew about my hang-ups when it came to Vegas.Of course, Nicole knew everything.That being said, she’d still dragged me back there for her wedding, which of course had been a good thing in hindsight.“Before you answer,” she continued.“Because I know how you’ll answer.And I’m fairly positive you’re being ridiculous.So, I just want you to think about all the good stuff that’s happened there.And how really, it’s your special place.I know you like to think about the reasons you should never go back.But instead, why don’t you think about all the reasons youshould?Besides that, if anyone needs a vacation, it’s you guys.I know things have been rough lately.”Her voice got quiet and I knew she was trying hard not to cry, something she did a lot since becoming pregnant.“You guys all deserve to relax and reconnect as a family.”

She had no idea.I’d opened my mouth to tell her about the positive pregnancy test, but I closed it and swallowed my secret.What was the point?The only thing sharing the information would do was get everyone’s hopes up again.Only to dash them in a few weeks.No.I’d keep my secret to myself.

In the end, I’d hung up the phone with Nicole, feeling slightly better, but mostly determined.I would enjoy this holiday.

We drove through the small village that was Lake Las Vegas, a village made up of mostly palatial homes backing on golf courses and a main village square area lined with cobblestone streets, boutiques, coffee shops, and restaurants.When we turned a corner and the lake came into view, Ben shrieked.

“There are paddle boards out there.It’s not frozen.”