Page 131 of Vegas Duology

My chest constricted but I asked, "Your other dad?"

"Mom said I had another dad.Are you?"

I thought about lying to him, or dodging the question, but he was a smart kid and more than that, I wanted him to know."I am."

"Thought so," he said, louder this time."You look like me."

I smiled and the pressure in my chest released."You think so?"


"Are you okay with me being your other dad?"

"Yup.Mom likes you."

I left it at that and we floated in silence for a few moments.

"You know how to fish, right?"Ben asked quite seriously.

I laughed."Yes, I know how to fish."


"Hey," I said to his back, "we should get back.Your mom might be getting worried."

Ben nodded and in the way that only little boys can, he summoned energy I didn't know he had, raised his right arm and driving the paddle into the water, yelled, "Boom!"

The deer ran off and we were shooting across the water back to the cabin.

It didn't take long to get back with our new paddling strategy.Lexi still wasn't outside.I pulled the kayak up alongside of the dock with a lot less effort than I thought it would take and Ben jumped out with ease while I held us close.

"Can you hold the rope, Ben?"He took the rope I offered him and using the paddle for balance, I pushed myself into a crouching position.

"Don't fall," Ben said.

"I won't.Just keep the rope..."Before I could finish my thought, the boat flew out from under my feet and I hit the water.The cold took my breath away for a moment."Tight," I finished as I emerged and Ben broke into a fit of hysterical giggles.

With two long strokes, I swam to the ladder.After pulling myself up onto the dock, I stood over Ben and shook like a dog, doing my best to get him wet.

We both collapsed in laughter.

Life didn't get any better.

When I looked up, I saw Lexi coming down the lawn towards us.She wasn't smiling.Maybe I shouldn't have taken Ben so far in the kayak?I still had a lot to learn.

I jumped to my feet."Lexi, we were only gone for a minute.Once we figured out how to paddle, we..."

She came closer and I could see she wasn't mad.But there were tears in her eyes.