The man nodded and said, "Yup, I'm open.Although I see how you might not think so."
"It is pretty quiet."
"Quiet," he scoffed."It's dead.Not a lot of visitors here this time of year.Or any time, it seems."Dex's eyes took on a faraway look for a moment.He moved to the desk and flipped open a register book.
"So you need a room," he said."What brings you to Lake Lillian?Fishing?Hunting?Or you running away from something?"Dex looked up from the book and eyed me suspiciously."You ain't one of those cons I hear about on the TV?"
"No sir," I said and held up my hands."I promise, I'm not a con and I assure you, I'm not running away from anything."
He shrugged and returned to flipping through his book."What you here for then?We don't get a lot of visitors around here anymore."
"I'm looking for someone.She has a place out here."
Dex opened a drawer and took out a key."Why aren't you staying with her then?"
"Well."I debated for a moment on how much to tell the man and settled for a variation of the truth."She doesn't know I'm coming so I thought it might be best to get my own room."
He narrowed his eyes at me under his bushy eyebrows.He stared at me for a moment before showing his lopsided grin and saying, "Probably a good idea.Women can be funny."
I returned his smile."Yes, they can."
Dex showed me to a room at the top of the stairs, which he said was the best one he had.When I opened the door to the small space, furnished modestly in hand crafted pine furniture, I couldn't help but compare it to the rooms in Vegas.It certainly wasn't luxurious and posh like the hotels I was used to, but the rustic space was decorated nicely and it was clean.When I pushed aside the thick curtains to reveal sliding glass doors that lead to a small patio, I saw why Dex said it was the best room he had.The view was spectacular.The patio overlooked the lake with an unobstructed view of the water and the mountains.With the sun directly overhead, the lake sparkled, mirroring the mountains in perfect detail on its surface, disturbed only by the occasional ripple from a distant boat or jumping fish.No, there was no way even the fanciest suite in Las Vegas could rival this room.There was simply no comparison.
I didn't bother to unpack.I wanted to find Lexi soon.But I still wasn't sure today was the right day.If she just got here, like Nicole said, she needed time.The thought of another day going by without seeing her was unthinkable to me, but I couldn't push her.She was broken right now; I wouldn't be the one to shatter her.
Heading back downstairs, I took a minute to look around.The inn wasn't in bad shape.Sure, it could use a coat of paint, and the wood floors would benefit from a polish, but it was really a nice place.The location couldn't be better and with a rustic log home feel, it would be a great destination for couples wanting to get away for a romantic weekend or even families looking for some time in the woods.
I found Dex in the dining room, which was just off the main entryway.He was carrying a tray with a thermos and a few mugs on it.
"I thought you might like a cup of coffee after your trip," he said.
"Only if you'll sit and have one with me."
I took the tray from him and followed him to a large covered deck out back.There was a huge sloping lawn that led to the lake with a dock sticking out into the water at one end of the sandy beach.
"I don't think I could ever get sick of looking at this view," I said, putting the tray on a small table.I settled into a wooden deck chair and poured two cups of coffee.
"Just black," Dex said as I handed him the mug.I added two sugars to mine and sat back.
He took a sip of his coffee despite the steam coming from the mug."This friend of yours.A woman, you said?"
"That's right."
"Is there a problem?"
"I'm gonna be straight with you," he said.
"Please do."
"This here is a small town.We stick together.If you're gonna cause trouble..."
"I promise you," I said, turning so he could see my face, "the last thing I want is to make trouble."
He examined me for a moment and then nodded."Yup, I see that.You don't seem like the troublemaker kind."He turned back to the lake."The woman, she doesn't know you're coming?"
"No.But I think...I hope she'll be happy to see me."