Page 113 of Vegas Duology

"Besides, it's not optimism," she said."I've seen you two together.He loves you, Lexi.God, I wish Ryan loved me like that."


"I mean," she remedied, "Ryan loves me, I know that.But it's different.Lexi, the way that man looks at you.The way his eyes go somewhere far away whenever he says your name...that's something else.Thatisa fairy tale.You don't find that every day."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said.I turned away from her so she couldn't see my face.

"The hell you don't," Nicole said, grabbing my arm and forcing me to look at her."You know exactly what I'm talking about because you're the same way with him."

"Nicole, don't."

"You know what?"she said."I think I will."She stood in front of me and her tiny figure seemed to fill the room."I think I'll say exactly what I need to say."

"Pardon me?"

I don't think she heard me.

"I need to say this, and you need to hear it, Lexi Titan.Leo is in love with you like I've never seen before.He's the kind of in love that you read about in romance novels.The kind you tell your daughters about in the hopes that they won't settle for less.He's the kind of in love that means nothing else matters.Not jobs, not countries...nothing.Leo is in love with you in the way that women around the world dream about at night.Andyouare throwing it away."

"You're crazy."

"Am I?"she said, still standing with her arms crossed in front of her."Am I really?"

"Yes," I said, swiping at my eyes."Because you're forgetting one very important thing, Nicole.Fairy tales aren't real.And romance novels?They're fiction too.This..."I waved my arm around the room."This is reality."