Page 103 of Vegas Duology

I couldn't help it, I smiled."I've only seen the one picture."I pulled the photo out of my pocket and showed her."Lexi told me last night.Did you ever talk to her about it?"

She shook her head."No.It was one of those things," she said."Lexi never brought it up and to be honest, I think it took her a long time before she admitted it to herself.She tried so hard to create the perfect family for Ben."

I looked at my son, and a longing to meet him filled me.I tore myself away from the picture."What do you mean?"

"Leo, you have to understand something about Lexi.She's not the type of woman to have a one-night stand."

"I know."

"Do you?I mean, I'm not trying to pretend that I understand what kind of relationship you two had or have, or whatever, but do you really know her?Do you have any idea how totally unusual that was for her?Lexi isn't the type of person to do that, and it affected her.A lot.I thought she might even leave Andrew again, but then she found out she was pregnant."

"She still could have left."

"No, she couldn't.You know that."

I nodded.I did know.Lexi would have done what she thought was right.She sacrificed everything to give my son a family."Does he know?"I asked.

"Andrew?"Nicole shook her head."Not that I know of.But he's never been the most attentive father.He said he'd have children, but he never wanted them.That's more than obvious."

"But, he never guessed?I mean, Ben, he looks..."

"Nothing like him?"She laughed."Ben doesn't look anything like either of them.Except for—"

"His smile.He has his mother's smile."I ran my thumb across the photo again.

"Yes, he has her smile."She rested her hand on my arm again."Leo, you being here after all these years, I have to think that it's some kind of sign.Clearly you were meant to be part of Lexi's life."

"It doesn't really matter, does it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"She left again."The words came out bitter, and I wanted to take them back.Nicole didn't deserve my anger, but I couldn't stop."She went to tell Andrew the truth, and she never came back.She left with him and didn't even call to tell me her choice."

I looked down and it's a good thing I did because I didn't see Nicole as she wound up and punched me in the shoulder.

"Ow!What was that for?"I rubbed the spot she hit.She was remarkably strong for such a small person.

"For being an ass," she said."Lexi's uncle had a heart attack, Leo.That's why they checked out.Andrew was able to get their flights changed so she could be with him.He practically raised her and he's in the hospital.She's beside herself."

"What?"Of all the scenarios that had played out in my head over the last few hours, that had not been one of them."Is he going to be okay?"

"We don't know."Nicole looked like she might cry too.She glanced away and waved.I turned to see Ryan approaching, lugging the bags behind him.

"Hey, Leo," Ryan said when he got close enough."Ready?"he asked Nicole.

She rose, leaving me sitting alone on the bench."I'm ready," she said to Ryan."Can you grab a taxi?I'll be right there."Nicole kissed her husband on his cheek.

"Sure," he said and then turned to me."Thanks for everything, man."

I nodded but couldn't say anything.I didn't take the hand he extended and I only vaguely noticed him walk away.It was a few moments before I realized Nicole was still standing in front of me.I raised my head to look at her.

"Leo," she said."I don't know what you're going to do, but can I tell you one thing?"

I nodded.

"Lexi needs you.She's unhappy.Andrew doesn't make her happy."

My heart leaped in my chest.

"Uncle Ray's been telling her for years that life's too short to spend with someone who doesn't give her everything she needs.And I think I'm just starting to realize how much she gave up."

"Do you think she loves me?"I muttered.

"I've seen the way she looks at you even when she thinks no one is watching.And in all the time I've known Lexi, I've never seen her look at anyone else that way.Ever."Nicole's words hung between us, and she added, "Besides, you are the father of her child.Don't forget that."She bent down and kissed my forehead."I'll see you soon."And she was gone.

I stared after her, replaying her words in my head.When she vanished from my sight, I looked down at the picture I still clutched in my hand.

"You're the father of her child.Don't forget that."

As if I could.