Gabe nodded. “My order was to provide you the…sense of urgency he felt was necessary to finally inspire you to heal your mind. You were not to be harmed. None of my people were to die.”

“People were mauled, Cardinal.” Rinnie clenched his fists. “People lost eyes. Limbs. That monster hurt our people. And you agreed to it?”

Gabe’s jaw twitched. “It was not meant to go that far. Things took unexpected paths.”

“But you knew you were putting us in danger!”

“It was what needed to be done.”

“For what? For her? For that thing? What did we gain in return? Why did you agree to it?”

“We gained a true ally in him. Think of it. A lich of that power, owing us a favor of that magnitude? It could save lives in the future—it could save the world. I would sacrifice a hand or an eye to save humanity itself, Father Lenci. I traded the wellbeing of soldiers to have access to the power of a demigod. As much as it pains me, I think it was very well worth the trade. They are soldiers. It is the sad fact of their existence that they are expendable.”

“You—” Rinnie snarled in rage and had to stand up to pace away once more, leaving the conversation. Ally went after him.

More pain because of me. More means to an end, where I am that end. Her heart sank, and her shoulders along with it, as she put a hand over her eyes and leaned back into the metal chair, propping her elbow up on the armrest. Suddenly, she had the urge to cry, but she kept it down.

It was just one more thing.

What was one more thing?

She’d worry about finally getting to the breaking point, but she had already gone far past it and come out the other side. “You shouldn’t have let people get hurt. He’s right, you know.”

The Cardinal sighed. “In my heart, I agree. In my soul, I am certain of it. But in my mind? That which I must use to command the Ordo ut Solis and protect this world from the dangers that place it under siege? It demands I do what needs to be done.”

“He’s still right to be pissed.”

“Of course. He will likely quit. And then, perhaps, he will pull his head from his ass and ask the young demoness to be his.”

Maggie laughed. It was halfhearted, but it was still a laugh. “You’re a weird guy, Cardinal Moretti.”

He grinned playfully. “You should not talk.”

That was fair. She straightened and let out a long breath. “I need to call Gideon later and ream him out. But until then…what happens now? Do you put a tracker in the back of my neck and keep tabs on me?”

“No. I thought perhaps we could start with a friendship and take it from there. We have too many enemies in this world, us mortal humans. I would dislike to make another.” Gabe paused and then corrected his English. “I would dislike making another.”

“English sucks. I get it.” She watched him for a moment. She still didn’t trust him. From his own mouth, he said he was ruthless when it came to furthering the motives of his organization. “Fine. Friendship. I don’t want any enemies either. I’m immortal, but I still don’t like dying. Trust me, it sucks.”

“So I’ve been told.” He stretched his hand out to her. “Allies?”

She shook his hand. “Yeah.”

They paused for a long time as they watched Ally and Rinnie talk in the distance. He was ranting, waving his hands, and she was desperately trying to calm him down. Ally gestured for him to come closer, and without warning, she grabbed him by the lapels of his coat and dragged him down into a kiss.

Maggie smiled. “Finally.”

“You have no idea.” Gabe let out a thoughtful hum. “How is Harry? I thought he might accompany you.”

“Asleep in the hotel. He’s fine. I just thought it was better to come alone. He really doesn’t like Rinnie that much, and these things are rocky enough without adding another hothead into the mix.”

“Quite true. Well.” He slapped his palms onto his thighs. “Now that all that is resolved, let us move on. To begin our new friendship, I thought I might ask a favor of the world’s most powerful necromancer.”

“You heard that bit, huh?”

He smiled.

With a huff of a laugh, she reached down and picked up her bag to place it in her lap. She took a large chunk of the danish she had been eating and handed it to the very eager Algernon who waited inside. She scratched his head as he started to devour the treat. “Sure. What do you want?”

Gabe’s smile faded. “There…is an old friend I wish to speak to. One to whom I was never given the chance to say goodbye.”