“None of this is real.” She shut her eyes, feeling her head start to swim. “None of this is happening.”

“You carved a symbol on a table that you claim you’ve never seen before. In a language you don’t understand. And you still don’t believe me?”

“No.” She blinked her eyes open. Oh. It was really hard to do that. She felt sluggish and strange, like everything was warm and covered in cotton. She sank back against her sofa cushion. “I’m scared.” She fought it as hard as she could.

“I know, sweetheart. I promise I won’t hurt you. This is for your own good.” He placed his hand on her knee. “Just let it happen. We’ll solve this together, you and me. I’m a friend. Everything is going to be okay.”

“What’s going to happen to me?”

“Nothing bad. Not if I can help it.”

“You’re abducting me…”

He sighed. “Yeah, I realized how stupid it sounded as soon as I said it.”

She felt so strange. So…floaty. She had smoked too much weed once, trying foolishly to keep up with Harry, and it had felt a little like this. But this was getting worse. “What happens next?”

“Well.” He reached up and gently urged her to lay her head back on the sofa. She couldn’t find the strength to fight him. “Step one is to get that lettering translated.”

“‘To raise the dead, remember them.’”A deep, velvety voice cut in. “Allow me to save you the trouble.” When had the door opened? She tried to frantically stay awake as she turned to see who had spoken.

Dark clothes and a white tie stood out against the grungy flickering orange light of the hallway. Silver and unkind eyes were fixed straight at Father Rinaldo. He gripped a silver cane in his hand.

“Gideon—” Hope and fear roared in her at the same time.

Hope—he’s here, he’ll save me!

Fear—oh, no, Rinaldo’s going to hurt him.

Fear won, like it always did. “Run,” she gasped out. “Gideon, run—”

Rinaldo was already on his feet, gun drawn and pointed squarely at Gideon. Her psychiatrist only smirked at the priest and tilted his head thoughtfully, studying the weapon in perfect disinterest. “Really? A gun?”

“Stand down.” Rinaldo shifted his stance. “Or I shoot.”

Gideon laughed.

It wasn’t a friendly sound. It didn’t sound like her doctor. It didn’t sound like him at all.

Marguerite’s head spun. She shut her eyes. She tried to open them again and failed.

Darkness was all that followed.