Despite the rumors, I was born and raised in America, the slight accent to my English was from growing up with a Peruvian mother and her family around me. My father was an American, but he disappeared long before I was born, a drifter that took advantage of a woman in need of love and affection. I’d never wanted to call anyone daddy and I hadn’t ever wanted a woman to call me daddy. When Abigail whispered it that first time, though, I’d known it was exactly what I wanted her to call me.

I wanted to be her daddy, for tonight at least. I wanted to be the man that protected her, that cared for her, and gave her exactly what she needed.

She stood in the elevator staring through the open doors with fear written all over her face.

“This is my private floor,” I reassured her. “Nobody will see you, or see my hand in your panties, little one. It’s okay.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered with a pretty blush across her cheeks. She did that often. I loved it.

“Come on, I want you on my face. Now.” I take my hand out of her panties, replace her clit with her fingers, and pull her to the single door that would lead to my private space on this floor. Inside were many rooms, some empty, some furnished, but all mine. Like Abigail was now. Just like she was now.

Maybe I’d keep her for more than one night, I thought, as she follows me into the living room, her eyes searching only for me. She didn’t even look around to see if the place was tidy, she just watched me, waiting for a hint of what to do next. I lead her to the couch, pushing her down on the black leather cushion gently, following her down, on my knees for her.

I wanted to worship her, wanted to worship the slick skin that hid between her thighs. I needed to inhale her scent, to lap up her taste, so that I could have all of her. With hands that didn’t shake, despite how much I wanted her, I pried her knees apart and looked at her. Her panties were soaking wet, but then, I’d felt how wet she was for me, already. She’d been incredibly wet before, now she was more than ready for whatever I suggested.

I pulled at the waistband of the scrap of lace, pulling the material all the way down her shapely legs, kissing the top of each thigh. I squeezed the back of her thighs, prompting her to move her hips to my face. Opening my mouth, I took my first taste of her silky skin, getting a good mouthful of her taste as I did so. She tasted like I needed to sink right into her, right now, but also like she deserved to get off on my tongue.

I slid my hands under her ass to tilt her to just the right position, one that made her squeal when my lips suctioned on her clit. I held that for a second, until she groaned and started to wiggle against my mouth, then swiped my tongue over her entire slit.

I went to work on her, alternation suction with darting swipes, before I circled around the center of her pleasure, digging my nails into her ass when I knew she was close. I couldn’t help it when I moaned against her skin, she tasted so damn good that I simply couldn’t stop the sound. I heard her moan, glanced up to see her skin was flushed red and ruddy with desire, with a pleasure she didn’t seem to understand but wanted more of. Her hand moved to my head, holding me still on her clit.

I winked at her just as my thumb found her other entrance, poking at the tight ring of skin. It was slick with her need and my thumb slid into her backdoor easily. Her fingers tightened on my hair just as her legs clamped around my head and she let out one very loud moan. My little princess liked butt-play, very good. So did I.

I fucked her ass with my thumb while my mouth sent her deeper into the abyss, promising myself I’d get my dick in her before I let her go. Her pleasure came first, though, and I didn’t stop, not until she pushed at my head with her hand and sank back limply against the couch.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered as loudly as she could manage. A faint smile played around her lips, and I chuckled with pleased amusement.

“You’re welcome, angel. I’ll get you a drink of water, stay right there.” I went into the kitchen to wash my hands before I filled a glass with ice and water for us both. I had a feeling I would need all the fluids I could get tonight.

I tried to remember if I had any condoms in the house, and checked in the bathroom. I found an unopened box, checked the dates on them, and took out a couple to take with me, tucked away in the pocket of my trousers.

“Here you are, Abigail.” I saw she was sitting up now, looking around the minimally decorated room. It wasn’t my actual home, it was more a home away from home, for the nights when I was too tired to drive home.

My phone chirped as I sat down next to Abigail, the sound a specific tune I’d chosen for the sender. I looked down to see a message from Ginger, a friend that owned the Red Rose Club on the other side of town. She wanted to come visit tonight, but I replied that I was busy. Our relationship was strictly platonic, but we were in a similar business. We had a lot to talk about sometimes, and sometimes one of us just needed a friend. I wasn’t about to waste anymore time that I could spend with Abigail, so I turned the phone off. Any emergencies would have to be dealt with by my very well-paid staff who were paid to be able to handle anything.

Now, I thought as I turned back to the woman that would likely fill my dreams from now on, where were we? I took a drink of water and watched her, smiling when she followed my gaze to look down at her cleavage. Her breasts were big enough to fill my hands and then some, held up beautifully by a bra I couldn’t see, but would before another minute passed.

“Show me your breasts, Abigail. Take your clothes off for me.” I shifted around on the couch, easing the tightness of my pants over my erection, a throbbing, painful thing at the moment. I needed to fuck her, as quickly as possible, to ease the pain, but I wanted to enjoy this rampant desire, wanted to feel it as long as possible. Sometimes the pain is worth it, when you have someone as sweet as Abigail to ease the pain in.

“Of course, Daddy,” she looked around, uncertainty written all over her face.

“Haven’t you ever undressed for a man before, Abigail?” I leaned my head forward a little, piercing her eyes with my stare.

“No,” she shook her head and looked away. “He would make me undress under the covers. He said I was too thin at first, that he didn’t like to look at me, when we first got married. Then he said I was too fat, and it disgusted him to look at me.”

“I want you to pay attention to this, angel. Look at me,” I demanded, moving when she didn’t pick her head up fast enough to tilt her face up to mine with the tip of my finger. “You are gorgeous. Any man that thinks otherwise, or says otherwise, is a liar or fucked in the head. You’re beautiful just as you are.”

“But, I have stretch marks now,” she sputtered but I shook my head with violent denial.

“No, those stretch marks don’t make you ugly, Abigail. They make you marked with beauty, marked with the hand of nature in unique ways that only you have. Don’t look at yourself and see anything ugly because I certainly don’t, baby.” My heart ached for her, but I wanted to vanquish any doubts she might have about herself or about what I thought about every mark and line on her skin. “Now, undress for me, baby. Please?”

“Thank you,” she swiped the sheen of tears from her eyes, smiled a wobbly smile, and stood up. The black top, a skimpy thing that was more lines of cloth clinging together than a whole shirt, disappeared to reveal a black and green bra that matched her panties. It was the perfect encasement for her large breasts, but I wanted it gone.

She hesitated when I made a motion for her to carry on, but then lifted her chin and stared me down. There’s my little fighter, I thought with an approving smile. “Good girl, Abigail.”

Her right hand went behind her back before she brought it back to grab the material as it came loose. She held the material over herself for a moment before she flung it away, her head up and turned slightly to the right, but all I could see was the pink tips of her nipples, flushed a darker color from her arousal. I wanted them on my tongue, in my hands, my fingers squeezing around the soft flesh of her pale skin as I sucked at the tip while I fucked.