“Yes,” she breathed with a faint nod of her head. When she spoke again, her voice was stronger. “I would like that very much.”

It was an honest answer that I could respect.

It didn’t matter to me that she was married, her husband was obviously not that concerned with the vows that he’d made. I usually wasn’t one to get involved in matters of the heart, but this was sex, not the heart. She wanted something more, I’d seen it in the way she watched people when she was here, never really participating, even when he’d urge her to look at other couples or entice her into one of my rooms upstairs.

Yes, I’d seen her every time she’d walked into my door. I’d been fascinated with the innocent flower that her husband tried to force into bloom, but had failed at. I wanted to make her open her petals myself, but only to me. That was the difference, I knew how to do it. That boy pretending to be a man had no clue about a woman like Abigail. She needed guidance and assurance that she was safe, but she also needed desire and a need to open up. Forcing it out of her would never work.

“Would you like another drink, first?” I asked, hoping she’d refuse.

“No, I don’t want to make my head all fuzzy.” She shook her head as if to clear any fuzz that might be in there now. “I want to know what’s happening.”

There we go, the first shiver of those petals coming to life. Just what I wanted. “Come with me.”

I held my hand out to her and when she clasped my fingers in hers, I stood up. The elevator up to my private quarters was tucked away behind the dance floor. I didn’t see her husband when we walked by that area, but heard him calling her name just as I pushed the button to call the elevator down.

“Abby, what are you doing?” He spit out, despite his hand being wrapped around the woman’s hand he’d been dancing with. “You can’t be going upstairs with him.”

“I am, actually, Jake. I’m done with five seconds of ‘heaven’,” she made air quotes when she said the word heaven, sneering at him all the while. “You want to fuck around on me, fine. We’re getting divorced. And I’m going upstairs with him. Maybe he can show me what I’ve been missing all these years.”

“I’m sure I can, Abigail. Sir, please, you’ve done enough tonight to spoil the atmosphere. Go home with your dignity somewhat intact, while you still can,” I stared down at the shorter man, my left eyebrow lifted in condescension.

Jake turned to me then, obviously not the more than obvious hint I’d given him.

“You stay out of this. Abby, please. She means nothing to me,” Jake didn’t even slow down when the woman gasped, or when she pulled her hand away. “Please forgive me, it was a moment of madness, I swear. It’ll never happen again.”

I planted my hand on his face and pushed, done with the conversation and the blatant lies. “She’s done with you, sir. She’s mine now and I intend to show her exactly what she, how did you put it, Abigail?”

I paused to turn to her, but it was only to wink at her with a cheeky grin. She didn’t protest, only smiled up at me with glee. That fueled my need to drive it home to this toad that his time with her was done.

“Oh yes, what she’s been missing. Unless you want to watch? Is that what this is? You want to watch mefuckyour wife? You want to see me make her come over and over again, which apparently you never managed to do? I can arrange a room for us, and a viewing area, if that’s what you’d like?” I waited, expecting no real answer.

“I, well, no, I don’t want to watch. Abby, you can’t be serious. You can’t go up there with him. He’s only doing this because he pities you, you know?” The man’s face turned cruel and mean, and I wondered how many times she’d seen that same expression on his face before. Probably too many to count. The man was nothing but a child and a bully. She didn’t need him in her life at all.

“Oh, I assure you, sir, I very much want to fuck her and have for a while. If you want to throw that away for that,” I waved in the vicinity of the woman now stomping off in the direction of the ladies’ room, “then fine. From the sound of it, you never really appreciated Abigail anyway. It’s high time someone showed her the attention she deserves.”

“What I do with Tracy is none of your business. Besides, you can’t take my wife anywhere. I forbid it. I will call the police.”

It seemed he thought of his wife as property, not a partnership. A mistake so many men made it was an embarrassment to our gender. I rolled my eyes with a sigh and looked down at the face that I found more beguiling with each second that passed.

“Abigail, are you coming with me of your own free will?” I waited to see her response.

“I am, Rafa, yes. I’m not Jake’s wife anymore.” Abigail told me pertly, lifting her chin a little with a slight smile. Purely adorable and stirring at the same time. Perfect.

“Technically, you are, but any call to the police will now be seen as a nuisance call, Jake. Don’t bother. Chase after the other woman, I think she’s leaving the club without you.” I waved my right hand at the woman as she came out of the bathroom, still fuming, and smiled when I saw she was walking towards the exit. “Yes, I do believe she’s leaving you too, young Jake.”

“What? Oh. Tracy, wait! Please, don’t leave yet. We were having such a good time.” Jake, the ladies’ man that never was, suddenly looked back at his wife, then back at his mistress. I could see the indecision there, making his brain nearly split. Take the wife or the mistress?

I could even tell the moment he chose creature comforts over whatever ego boost the mistress gave him. He got this look on his face, a look of severe disappointment that I’d expect to see on a parent’s face after they catch their kid sneaking in from a night of drinking, not on the face of a spouse.

“Alright, yes, you caught me Abby, but Tracy means nothing to me. And yeah, I’ve been seeing her for a few months now, but that’s done. You’ve had your revenge and this little joke of yours is over. Let’s go home, Abby. You got me good. Come on. Let’s go now.” He made a motion to direct her toward him, but she just waved with a loud giggle as I pushed the button to take us to my floor.

“Bye, Jakey. If you hurry, you can catch up with the woman you decided to cheat on me with.” Abby’s voice was full of vindication and amusement.

I loved it.