Iwas stunned into silence.

I blinked, replaying the words in my mind.

Would you like another?

Him? Definitely. Someone else? Nah.

I knew very little about the man. What I knew was rumors told by people here at the club. He was an illegal immigrant from Ecuador. His dad was a drug lord in Mexico and that’s where all of his money came from. His mother was a former ruler of some small South American country I forgot the name of and they’d all come to America as exiles after a coup. There’d been quite a few stories. I didn’t believe any of them.

His speech was slightly accented, charmingly so, and he certainly had the looks of a man that spent a lot of time in the sun. Despite that, his hair was as black as night, which told me his hair was naturally that color. I put him in his late thirties, though some had whispered he was almost fifty. However old he was, he wore it well in a debonair, sophisticated, worldly kind of way.

Rafa kind of reminded me of a character on one of my favorite television shows, but I couldn’t remember which one. Maybe that one about the devil, but I was quite sure.

Jake didn’t want me to work, he wanted me at home where he knew I was taking care of his house and being a good little wife. I spent a lot of time watching television since the only reasons I really left the house were when he chose to take me somewhere, usually to the store or through a drive-thru when he felt like giving me a night off from cooking duties. And a few times, he’d brought me here.

“What is your name?” He asked me while sitting back in his chair. He lifted the bottle of beer to his lips and my eyes followed the movement, noting how his lips pursed at the neck of the bottle to allow the liquid to flow into his mouth.

He’d kissed me with those lips, a stunning kiss that surprised me because of how soft and full his lips actually were.

“Pardon?” I asked, remembering that he’d asked me something, after a pause that went on way too long, but I couldn’t remember what.

“What is your name, angel?” He grinned a knowing grin that brought the butterflies to life in my belly.

“Oh, um,” I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and looked around, trying to remember what my name was. “Abby! Abigail Taylor. But everyone calls me Abby. Well, Jake does.”

I didn’t really have any friends, Jake had run off all the girls I knew in high school with his surly behavior when he’d come home to find us giggling over a film while his dinner went uncooked one too many times. Mom was a single parent since my dad ran off long ago to find himself in India and never came back. She called me, but she hated Jake with a passion and couldn’t hide it. That had placed a strain on our relationship that I didn’t like, but what can you do?

“Abigail. A good name for a good girl,” he nodded and took another sip of his beer.

“Thank you,” I murmured, getting used to being in his presence now. I relaxed a little, certain that I was still a charity case, but determined to make the most of it while I could. “It’s nice of you to sit with me.”

“No, I’m not nice at all, Abigail. The offer still stands by the way.”

“Offer? Oh, you mean what you asked me earlier? That was just a joke, it’s fine,” I tried to brush it off, but Rafa sat forward and shook his head very slowly.

“There are a few things I don’t joke about in life, Abigail. Sex is one of them.” His hand came out to take my hand and I realized I still held the tequila in the other one. I slugged it down just as he started to speak again. “I offered to fuck you and that offer stands. I can take you upstairs right now and show you just how amazing sex really can be. Or we can stay here, have another drink, and I’ll make sure you get home in one piece. It’s up to you.”

“Oh,” I whispered, my eyes trapped by his. I couldn’t look away, no matter how hard I tried. The darkness in his eyes wasn’t just from the color. There was something there that was him, that was dangerous to more than just my now-dead marriage. It was a darkness that promised sex with him would be an adventure I wouldn’t regret.

I let my eyes go wide as I looked into those enthralling eyes. How could I say no to an offer like that?