Page 77 of Summer Heat

She’s still impaled on my cock, and I can feel our mixed cum dripping down my balls as it leaks out of her. I slowly withdraw from her, turning her around to face me as she wraps both arms around the back of my neck and holds onto me. She’s so short that her feet dangle in the air, not touching the floor.

We’re both quiet as I nuzzle her neck while carrying her through the kitchen and into the staff only restroom. Her legs wrap around my waist, and my softening cock is already waking up as it rubs against her. I set her down on her feet in front of the sink.

She lowers her arms from around my neck and grips the edge of the counter as I encourage her to turn around. Our eyes clash in the mirror and lock. Hers are bright, alight with something that has them practically dancing.

I’ve never seen her like this before, and it does something weird inside my chest. It’s a feeling I’m unfamiliar with, like I love knowing that I’m the one who put that look on her face. It also scares the shit out of me because I could easily lose myself in those big blue eyes of hers, and I absolutely can’t afford to do that.

It’s a stark reminder of one of the many reasons I should have stayed far away from Greer Manning. She’s dangerous. After spending all day with the girl, I can easily see myself falling for her, and I have to remember that when the summer ends, she’ll leave like all the rest of the guests and my future is right here, hopefully in this very building. Even if I was no longer working for her father and the fear of losing my job wasn’t a factor, Matt is right. We’re from different worlds.

Shaking off my thoughts, because there’s nothing to be done about it, at least not right now, I reach around Greer to pull a couple of paper towels from the dispenser attached to the wall. I turn on the faucet and run the paper towels underneath the warm water. I wring out the excess water and turn the faucet off.

Greer watches my every move in the mirror as I reach between her legs to clean away the mess we made in the kitchen. She sucks in a sharp breath as the damp towel glides through her pussy lips.

Tossing the towel in the trash, I pull out another one, wet it, and use it to clean my dick off. I toss that towel into the trash too, and then wash my hands in the sink. I dry them off, and then we’re back to staring at each other in the mirror again.

It’s too much for me to handle now that I know I’m catching feelings for this girl.

Caging her in my arms, I press my palms flat against the counter. I run my lips up her neck, trailing kisses and stopping right below her ear. “You stay here, sweetheart, and I’ll go grab your clothes from the kitchen. That way you can use the bathroom without me watching you and you won’t have to walk around naked. It’ll just be my bare ass on display.”

Chuckling, I step back and smack her lightly on her sweet ass. I love the blush that spreads across her cheeks, and it makes me laugh harder as I leave the bathroom.

I put my clothes back on before picking hers up and folding them into a neat pile. That’s why I’m a successful chef, I’m tidy and organized. The messes I seem to make in my personal life are a totally different matter.

My cell phone in the back pocket of my shorts rings, and I close my eyes in frustration. Here’s the real world intruding on what has turned out to be the perfect afternoon.

Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I flip it over to see Brady’s name on the screen. My shoulders relax. I half expected to see the resort’s number because the damn kitchen can’t seem to run properly without me being there to watch over every little thing.

“Hey, bro,” I say as I answer the phone and press it to my ear. “What’s up?”

“Hey, man. Where did you and Greer run off to? Matt and I are both done for the day, and we were looking for you. We were thinking that since you have the whole day off, the four of us can hit the water before dark and then maybe grab a pizza together after.”

I pick up the pile of Greer’s clothes while I answer him. “I took her to the food truck for lunch and we’re at Sam’s right now. I wanted to show her what we are working so hard for. I’ll ask her if she wants in for tonight, but I’m definitely down. It feels like it’s been forever since we got to hit the water together.” That’s what having to work hard for a living does to you.

I try to distract myself from the niggling kernel of guilt that hearing Brady’s voice just caused. I make a conscious effort to push the thought that we had a deal to stay away from Greer to the side.

He’s quiet for so long that I think he’s hung up the phone. “Brady, are you still there, brother?” Is he sensing that I broke my promise and did way more than kiss the boss’s daughter?

He clears his throat, and his voice comes out oddly quiet when he responds. “What does she think of it? Is she there with you right now?”

“She thinks it’s cool because it is. Listen, she’s in the bathroom right now, but I should probably get off the phone. I’ll text you and let you know if she wants to hang out with us tonight. She’s been with me all day though, and she might already have family obligations, so don’t get your hopes up.”

He grumbles something about me hogging her today and hangs up on me, the moody bastard. Maybe if he stopped acting like a freaking monk and got himself laid, he’d be in a better mood. I can’t remember a time since our high school days when he’s gone this long without hooking up with some random girl he met at a party or even the damn gas station. He can pick up chicks anywhere, it’s a gift.

Now that I think about it, the same damn thing could be said about Matt as well. Neither of them even party with the other staff anymore.

I know they both wanted Greer, but they backed off when we all agreed it was for the best to take a hands-off approach with her. They are going to be so pissed at me when they find out what I’ve done, but right now I can’t find it in myself to care.

I knock on the bathroom door, and Greer pokes her head out. She’s braided her hair, and her cheeks heat adorably as she takes the pile of clothes from my outstretched hands. I might have placed her panties on the top of the pile just so I could witness her blush. I am not disappointed.

Leaning in close to the door, I bend down so I can kiss her softly on the lips. Knowing what her lips feel like and what she tastes like, I can’t seem to hold myself back. What’s worse is I don’t want to.

I’m in trouble with this girl.

“Thank you,” she murmurs softly before closing the door.

While she does her thing in the bathroom, I make my way through the restaurant, turning off lights and locking up the doors. She meets me at the front door and stands back while I lock up. I hate leaving this place knowing it doesn’t belong to my brothers and me yet. The stark reality is that if we don’t win that fucking race, this place will remain just a dream.

I hold her hand loosely as I walk her to the passenger side of my Jeep. My hands drop to her hips without my mind telling them to, and I lift her up into the passenger seat. I can’t keep my damn hands off of the girl, and I know I’ll have to dial this urge back down when we get back to the resort and reality.