Page 64 of Summer Heat

That’s true, but of course she doesn’t get it. “You’re his daughter, and in your case, it’s even worse. If your father knew what happened between us, I don’t think firing us would even be enough. He would probably ensure that the three of us would never get another job in the entire state.”

She shakes her head. “Why? Because you guys don’t have trust funds and millions in the bank? My daddy isn’t like that. He’s the best man in the world. He sees people for who they are, not for what they have. He—”

I interrupt her by squeezing her hand, hating myself for being the one who has to open her eyes. “Does he, Greer? Sure, maybe he wouldn’t be too mad if you were friendly with us. But if you were dating one of us, he wouldn’t just disapprove or fire us, he’d fucking destroy us.”

She’s cute when she’s stubborn. “He wouldn’t.”

Matt snorts, unable to hide his resentment toward the one percent. “Really? Be realistic, Greer. This isn’t a charity project where your dad would sign a big check to help the less fortunate. This is his daughter. Even forgetting the fact that you like more than one of us, if you chose, what kind of future do you think Brady, Drew, or I could offer you? That’s what you don’t understand. The bikini you’re wearing right now probably costs more than what I earn here in one month, including tips.”

She opens her mouth to object, but I agree with Matt. “Why do you think he’s trying to set either you or your sister up with Tristan? He wants his daughters to marry within their same class.”

She doesn’t want to believe it, and in a way, the way she adores her father makes me like her even more. “But you all have college degrees. Drew went to culinary school. You’re hard workers, just like Daddy was when he built the family business from the ground up. Why would he think that the three of you are any different?”

The words taste bitter in my mouth as I let go of her hand. “Because he’s made it and we haven’t. And even if we ended up being able to buy our restaurant, I doubt that would make us look worthy of you in front of your father.”

Matt agrees. “That’s true. They’ll always see us as the help. I was covering for the bartender earlier. I served your mom and Mrs. Aldridge, and Drew walked in to bring the hors d’oeuvre they ordered. Mrs. Aldridge commented that Drew is ‘as tasty as the food he cooks,’ and your mother giggled. She responded that Drew is definitely hot and he might go places, but a chef is still part of the ‘service industry.’”

I sigh, letting my eyes travel from Greer’s blue eyes to the delicate column of her neck, her sexy cleavage, and the smooth skin of her stomach. “That’s why we’ve been trying to stay away from you. We agreed that the attraction we all feel toward you is something we should just forget about. It doesn’t even matter that there are three of us and one of you. If we get caught with you, we’ll get fired.”

Matt nods. “That’s why I acted like a moody asshole, pretty girl.”

His big hand cups her jaw, and for some strange reason, I don’t feel like I want to kick his ass for touching her. I just love the way she leans into his touch.

“Every time I’m near you, all I want is to get closer, but if I know what’s good for me, I need to stay away.”

He stands up, sliding Greer off his lap and walking her to the door. “I think it’s best if you leave.”

She looks at us, and her blue eyes are full of so much disappointment that I can’t hold her gaze. “So this is it? What we all want doesn’t matter because you work for my father? You’ve already decided that he wouldn’t give you a chance to prove yourselves because you’re too scared.”

Her words sink into me bone deep, and I admit the truth, keeping my eyes fixed on the tiled floor of our cottage. “Yeah,” I say bitterly. “Maybe one day the world will change, and if there were more people like you, we’d stand a chance. But this is how things are, and we can’t afford to lose our jobs. We aren’t as brave as you, Greer.”


Brady’s words hurt me, but I know uttering them isn’t painless for him either. “Brave?” I snort. “Me? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared not to measure up to my parents’ expectations and to settle for what the world tells me I should want rather than going for what I really want. I’m scared of not being enough—not smart enough, not skinny enough, not cool enough. But what scares me the most is that if I walk out of here right now, I’m never going to feel the way I feel when I’m with you. Both of you.”

I close my eyes, trying hard to keep the tears that are burning in my eyes from falling.

I’m pulled into Brady’s arms, but it’s two sets of lips that kiss me. As Brady slants his mouth over mine in a deep, hungry kiss, I feel Matt’s lips glide down the back of my neck and along my shoulders.

Their bodies are warm and hard, and I’ve never felt as right as I feel right now, sandwiched between them. I give myself over completely to the sensation of their mouths on me as they alternate between kissing my lips, neck, and chest.

My skin tingles under their hot mouths, and the rest of my body is on fire as their hands touch, caress, and squeeze in a sensual, slightly frantic exploration.

“Brady,” I pant as he moves the fabric of my bikini top to the side, kneading my soft flesh before closing his mouth over my pebbled nipple.

“Is this okay, pretty girl?” Matt’s voice fans over the back of my neck as his best friend sucks and grazes me with his teeth. “Do you like Brady’s mouth on your tits?”

All I can manage is an ecstatic moan, but Matt knows exactly what I mean. “Do you want more, Greer?” he asks, teasing the line of my bikini bottoms over my buttocks.

“Please,” I moan, feeling Matt’s hard length rub against my ass. “I want—I need more. Everything.”

They stop kissing me, and for a second, I fear that the spell is broken and that Brady and Matt will tell me to leave.

The two best friends look at each other, and something passes between them in some sort of silent communication.

“Oh my God!” I squeal as I’m hoisted onto Brady’s shoulder and carried into one of the two small bedrooms.

“Come here, pretty girl.” Matt’s green eyes are full of dark promises as he lies down on the full bed and Brady lowers me into his arms.