Page 87 of Summer Heat

“I’ll see you around, Greer. You’re lucky I already have a hot piece waiting on me or we’d have to take this upstairs. A little friendly advice for you though, kid—don’t get too attached to the locals. They stay local while we go on to bigger and better things because wearebetter than them. Enjoy your fun while it lasts, because their days are numbered, and you’re going to have to watch your boyfriends lose like the bitches they are when they go up against my boys and me for the surfing competition.”

His thumb presses so hard against my lip that I taste a hint of copper as my teeth bite into it. The asshole made me bleed, and why do I feel like he not only threatened me, but my guys as well?

His hands slide into the front pockets of his slacks as he whistles a happy tune and strolls away from me.

My shoulders sag in relief as I watch his retreating form. I want to believe he was joking and never would have tried toreallyblackmail me with sex, but I don’t need to know Tristan very well to know he’d definitely take things there. I’m hoping that whoever he’s meeting with right now—I don’t even want to think that it might be Mom—will keep him busy and satisfied enough that he won’t decide to cash in on his disgusting threat.

As soon as he disappears from my line of sight, I’m in the building and running up the stairs. I unlock my door with shaking hands, and once it’s shut and I’m in my room, I lock it up. I slide the chain into place just to make sure that no one with a key can enter, because I want no more unannounced visitors whatsoever.

As much as I don’t want to take off Brady’s clothes, I have to because I’m in desperate need of a shower, and after one good look at myself in the mirror, I can’t believe that Brady had sex with me while I looked like this. My hair has dried into a tangled mess, but I still look like a drowned cat with my mascara running and giving me raccoon eyes.

I strip out of my clothes and take a quick shower. I blow dry all of my hair and slip Brady’s shirt back on over my head. I put on a pair of plain white cotton panties that are the most comfortable underwear that I have and climb into bed.

Even though I’m completely exhausted, I still toss and turn, unable to find sleep easily tonight.

My mind is racing, riddled with all things male.

I’m in danger of falling for Brady, and he’s making it harder to resist having real feelings for him with each interaction that we have.

Matt… I want so much more of him that it isn’t even funny. I can’t get enough, and I’m drawn in by his strong, muscular body and his interesting conversation.

I’m also worried about Drew, so worried. I don’t want him to be jealous, and I really don’t want him to fight the attraction between us. I want so much more of him as well.

I want them all for as long as I can have them, even if it is just for one hot summer fling between the four of us.

And then there’s Tristan who honestly scares the shit out of me, and now I’ve got a seriously legitimate reason to want to stay away from him. Not that I didn’t have plenty of other reasons before. But I can’t let that douche ruin everything the guys have been working toward.

It takes me way too long to fall into a fitful sleep, and when I do, I dream of being chased down the sandy beach, just out of reach of the faceless man who is chasing me and never actually getting anywhere.

Thankfully I don’t drown in the water and I’m not eaten by sharks. Small mercies.

It’s still the worst night’s sleep of my life so far.

Iwake to the loud, obnoxious sounds of sirens in the distance.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes to shed the heavy fog of sleep, and realize the sirens are getting closer by the second.

My heart hammers loudly in my chest as panic rides me hard. Why the hell are there sirens here and where are they heading to? They have to be here for the resort, because there’s nothing else close to us that would explain their presence.

Throwing the covers off of me, I jump out of bed. I frantically race around my room until I find a pair of black leggings to slip on over my legs. I throw one of Brady’s hoodies over my head, happy to find it still smells like him.

I grab my keys and I’m out the door without bothering to put shoes on. Something big is happening, I can feel it, and I don’t have time to stop for shoes.

I stumble my way out of the room and down the stairs. I have to dodge my way around several people also coming out of their rooms in their pajamas, looking confused and frightened.

I ignore them all as I run out of the building and chase after where the sounds of the sirens are coming from.

I stumble to a stop as I look up to the sky, which is beginning to glow with the first rays of sunshine, to see a huge billow of smoke rising toward the sky. It’s close to the beach and where the staff housing is.

Where Brady, Matt, and Drew live.

Holy fuck.

My heart drops into my stomach as I take off running down the path that will take me to their cottages.

I know I can’t do anything to stop the fire, wherever it’s coming from, but I need to know it’s not any of my guys’ places. I need to know they are okay.

My bare feet slap loudly against the pavement that slowly turns into sand as I run. The path is surprisingly empty, all the guests have chosen to stay safely back, far away from the smoke and steam I see as I get closer to the staff cottages.