Page 86 of Summer Heat



Have you ever just been walking along, minding your own business, and all of a sudden the fine hair on the back of your neck stands up straight and you justknowsomeone is watching you? Well, that’s exactly what I’m feeling right now and have been since the moment I stepped onto the path outside of Brady and Matt’s place.

I can feel eyes all over me, and I can just tell that whoever is watching me is not my friend.

Whoever they are, they follow me all the way back to my building, even though I walk super fast. I should have let Brady walk me back to my room like he wanted to. Why do I always have to be so dang stubborn all the time?

I keep looking over my shoulder as I approach the main building, careful not to slip on my high heeled sandals. I need to start leaving some clothes and flip-flops at the guys’ place.

I’ve got my hand on the door handle, ready to head inside, when I feel someone’s presence right behind me. I go to pull the door open when a body presses into my back and a hand slaps against the door, keeping it shut.

“Where are you running off to so fast, Greer?” Tristan breathes into my ear, making me shiver in disgust. “You’re a hard girl to get my hands on these days. I have to wonder why that is. What is it that has you so occupied?” he says, and I twitch my nose at the acrid scent of alcohol on his breath.

What a damn creep.

I slip out from beneath his arm and whirl around. Taking a few steps back, I put some much needed space between the two of us, but I make sure not to pin myself in against the wall. The last thing I want is to be trapped with Tristan blocking my way. Just the thought of him touching me in any way makes me nauseous. He’s lucky I skipped dinner, or I might be puking on his stupidly expensive loafers. It would totally serve him right. If he touches me, it’s either going to be puking or kneeing him in the nuts again. I did it once, and I have no problem reminding him the meaning of the word no.

I cross my arms over my chest to keep myself from smacking that smirk right off his stupid, smug face. “Why do you care what I spend my time doing, Tristan? I hear you’ve been a pretty busy man yourself.”

I cringe, not liking how that came out at all. It makes me sound slightly jealous, and I definitely don’t want to give him the wrong idea when the creep already has too many of those ideas floating around in his moronic brain as it is. There’s no need to tempt him any further.

He sighs dramatically as he leans against the wall and eyes me with a slightly manic glaze in his eyes that I do not like in the slightest. It’s quite predatory and makes me want to run far, far away from him, but I don’t because someone like Tristan would enjoy chasing me way too much.

“Don’t play stupid with me, Greer. I see right through your act now, and it’s a damn good one. I thought you were this naïve little girl, but I can see you like slumming it with the locals. I guess I’ve gone for the wrong Manning woman, but there’s still time to fix that.”

It’s so sick that I can’t tell whether or not he’s talking about my sister or my mother, but the Manning female triangle is certainly not going to be completed with him adding me to his list.

The smirk on his face and the cruel twist of his mouth confirm my hunch that if I ran, he’d enjoy it even more, so I stand my ground and channel Chelsea, using my snottiest, most indignant tone. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Tristan, and I honestly don’t think I even want to know. I’m tired, and I really just want to head up to my room for the night. It’s been a long day.” Lifting my hand, I wave it toward where he’s standing beside the door. I have no patience for him anymore. “If you could step out of the way and leave me alone, I would really appreciate it.”

Of course he does not do what I want him to. When has he ever?

He creeps closer to me, and I take a step back. We both stop moving and stare at each other. I’m sure I look like a mess while he looks positively gleeful. His eyes rake over me from head to toe, and I take another step back to get just a little farther away from him. Running is starting to sound better and better. Hopefully he’s tipsy enough that I can go faster than him. I just wish for the umpteenth time that I wasn’t wearing these stupid heels. I swear to God, fashion is going to be the death of me one day.

“I’ve been watching you. You make it so easy. Hell, look at you right now. You’re wearing a man’s clothes, and they look cheap at that. Which one are you coming from now? I saw you leave with Drew, and I’ve seen you leave that cocky piece of shit Brady’s place several times. I thought maybe you were just fucking Brady, but after watching you with Drew and seeing the way Matt looks at you, I’m convinced you’re fucking all three of them.” He grins wickedly at me. “What wouldDaddysay if he found out?”

Chills creep down my spine, and it’s as if ice just got pumped through my veins.

This is why my guys have been trying to be so careful where I’m concerned. Now it’s too late. Tristan of all people knows, and I can’t even deny it because he’s seen me.

I also can’t tell him that I’m spending time with the guys because I’ve joined their team for the competition, because we’re keeping that a secret until it’s showtime. Iwillbring it up if I have to, and it means they get to keep their jobs, but I’ll only be having that conversation with Daddy and certainly not this prick.

Tristan reaches out and cups my cheek with his grossly soft and slightly clammy hand. He’s got rich man’s hands, and I’ve recently discovered I enjoy hands that are rough with calluses from hard work or doing something other than being an asshole and counting out all the dollar bills in your trust fund.

As much as I want to shove him away from me, I seem to be frozen in place, waiting for his next move and watching him like he’s a predator that’s ready to strike.

The guys need me to play this smart, since their asses are on the line.

“Please, Tristan, I don’t—” I start, trying to keep the fear that’s coursing through me out of my voice. A predator can smell your fears, and I’m trying to appear strong.

“Shh.” He traces my lower lip with the pad of his thumb, and this time I can’t stifle the shudder of disgust that racks my body.

Of course Tristan doesn’t notice. “Don’t worry, little Greer. I’m not that big of an asshole. Though, you could always let me fuck you too, and then I’ll have no reason to tell anybody your secrets because I’ll be one of them as well.” He winks at me and drops his hand.

Anyone else, and I wouldn’t be terrified by that last statement, but with Tristan, I’m a trembling mess because I absolutely would not put it past him to try and blackmail me into having sex with him. And there’s also that stupid fucking bet that he’d be the winner of if I slept with him. Not fucking happening.

His smile widens, and something dark flashes in his bloodshot eyes. His next words surprise me.