Page 80 of Summer Heat


The restaurant in the main building has been reserved for Daddy’s party. He has guests he’s hoping to convince to invest in the development of Coral Cove once he acquires more land on the island.

The guests have brought their families with them, and that’s why Daddy really wanted me and Chelsea to attend. Showing a united front seems to be important in the world of business and high finance, as if your success in keeping your family in line is proof of your skills as a businessman.

Of course Tristan and his douchey buddies are all here too, and I was afraid to have to deal with Tristan 2.0, but thank God this doesn’t seem to be the case.

Both the gentlemen Daddy has invited brought their wives and daughters with them—proving my theory about the invisible connection between business and family—and I’d be lying if I said that I’m not fucking relieved. Especially because one is just six years old and is already in bed, and the other one, who’s around our age, is actually keeping all the douches occupied. I already like her if she keeps Tristan away from me.

My sister, though, doesn’t seem to be sharing my feelings on the matter, because she’s staring daggers at the poor girl.

Aster, I think she’s called, is flirting with Tristan and all his friends by the bar. The guys are all competing for her attention, getting louder and louder in some sort of dick measuring contest—the presence of Daddy and the other parents is the only thing that reassures me that no actual dicks will be coming out, even though with Tristan you never know.

Chelsea has been hovering in the vicinity, thrusting her chest out as much as she can to get that asshole’s attention. I kind of feel bad for her because I know how much she wants Tristan, and her dress is so low cut that I am waiting for her tits to literally spill out if it. It’s the lady version of that dick measuring contest, even though there’s very little in my sister’s outfit that would make you think about the word “lady.” I feel heaps better when she gives up and storms off, lowering herself into the chair next to mine.

“Greer, I swear to fucking God,” she snaps, throwing a withering look at my plate as if the food has personally offended her, “if you don’t stop eating, you’ll never get a man!”

From where I’m sitting, I’m not the one who’s having problems getting a guy to pay attention to me, but I bite my tongue before the words can leave my mouth. Just to make sure, I shove a mini steak and mushroom tart in my mouth.

“God, you’re disgusting!” Chelsea sneers under her breath. “You’re lucky Mom is busy entertaining Dad’s friends’ wives, because if she sees the way you’re stuffing your face, she’s going to instruct the chef to put you on a diet! College isn’t going to be like our boarding school where it was just girls, you know? All the classes at Bridgeport are coed, and if you ever want to get a boyfriend, you better start caring about your figure.”

I roll my eyes. All I want is to have a good relationship with my only sibling, but no matter what I do, she treats me like I’m the enemy. “You know what, Chel?” I snap. “Maybe you should eat some carbs, they might help with your mood swings. I’m not sure if you’re so bitchy naturally or if you’re just hungry. I’m not fat, my weight is in the healthy range, and I’m sick of you and Mom making me feel like I weigh five hundred pounds. Plus, the resort’s chef is really talented, and you seriously don’t know what you’re missing by sticking to salad with the dressing on the side.” She also doesn’t know that Drew’s talents go way beyond his culinary skills. Just the thought of our afternoon together causes heat to rise to my face.

She downs her glass of champagne, snapping her fingers at the waiter to have a refill. So fucking rude.

“Whatever!” She snorts. “I just call it like I see it. I’m saying this stuff to help you.”

Our attention is attracted by Tristan and his friends again when he whispers something in Aster’s ear that causes the girl to throw her head back and laugh so loudly that everyone turns to look at her, including our mother.

“Seriously, I wish Dad chose his business partners a little better. You know, someoneclassier,” Chelsea says venomously.

“I couldn’t agree more,” I say, but I have no problem with Aster, my issues are entirely with Tristan and his friends.

My words have the unintended effect of appeasing Chelsea. “I’m glad you see how that bitch is behaving withmy man,” she says, scooting closer to me and lowering her voice. “Since you owe me after covering for you the other night, why don’t you ask your friend Jamie if he knows who Tristan is fucking? I’ve been throwing myself at him, but he’s been holding out on me. A finger bang against the wall is the most I’ve managed to get. The only reason why he isn’t buying what I’m selling is that he’s getting laid elsewhere, and that was even before Aster arrived. I swear if it’s one of the waitresses or the dance instructor, I’m going to get Daddy to fire them.”

I open my mouth to object, because I know exactly where Tristan is getting pussy, but I know better than to tell my sister. Not until I speak to Mom first. “Look, Chel, maybe Tristan is just trying to get to know you better before sealing the deal? You said he’s serious about you, so—”

“That’s fucking bullshit!” she seethes. “You know Tristan as well as I do, and there’s no way he’d turn me down unless he was fucking someone else. Your boyfriend Jamie has been moved to reception until his arm heals, so he sees everything around here. Ask him for me, will you?”

Her pleading tone almost makes me feel sorry for her, and I don’t even bother correcting her assumption about me and Jamie. “I’ll see what I can do,” I say, trying to buy time so I can decide how to approach Mom.

Chelsea continues to stare in Tristan’s direction, her eyes narrowed to two furious slits as the douche’s hand slides down, settling firmly on Aster’s ass. “He’s such an asshole!” she scoffs, and on that, we definitely agree. Her next words, however, almost make me choke on my next hors d’oeuvre. “Now I don’t feel guilty at all about fucking the hot surfing instructor. Tristan totally deserves it!”

This time I can’t rein in my tongue. “You’re fucking Brady?”

Chelsea’s smile is falser than a two-dollar bill. “Not yet, but it’s only a matter of days. I had another lesson with him earlier, and he was all over me.”

Drew’s words echo in my ears.That dude needs to get laid, and soon, because he is acting like a moody bastard.

Is that even possible? Would Brady fuck someone else? I mean, granted, we talked about having fun this summer, and he and Matt promised they wouldn’t be jealous of each other and Drew, but could they have said that because they plan to sleep around the resort? And with my sister of all people?

“We finally made it into the water today after that ridiculous first lesson when he had me just standing on the board on the beach. I was trying to stand up on that stupid board,” Chelsea prattles on. “It’s fucking impossible, by the way, and I kept falling off. He touched my ass as he was helping me back up on it, and something brushed against my butt right as he was pushing me up, and I bet every cent in my trust fund that it wasn’t an eel. I made him hard. I can’t wait to see his dick. I’m sure it’s absolutely huge!”

Yeah, on that she’s absolutely right, and Matt and Drew are just as gifted when it comes to dick size. The dull ache between my thighs is a sure reminder of that.

“Brady is so hot. He could totally be a male model!” Chelsea gushes. “Did you see his chest? And those abs? I swear to God he has a twelve pack. I could spend hours counting andlickinghis abs and that delicious V—”

The roar of a thunderclap interrupts my sister’s tirade about Brady’s perfect body. That’s a small mercy, because I was about to stuff her mouth with one of the bread rolls on the table to shut her up.