Page 71 of Summer Heat

Lunches and Dreams


“You want to get out of here for a little while?” Drew asks as we store away our boards for the day.

Brady had too many lessons to fit me in today, and Matt’s too busy driving around my mother and the other wealthy wives from one shop to the next while they likely ogle his backside every time he gets out of the car to open up doors for them. Luckily for me, Drew has the day off, and he volunteered to give me a lesson.

Watching him out on the water was almost like seeing him for the very first time. Everything serious and stern about him faded away and melted off into the ocean. The water gave him as much peace as it did me.

I also learned that he’s an excellent teacher and has more patience for me than both Brady and Matt combined. Still, it didn’t help me stand up on my board for very long before falling ass over tits into the water.

Down into the emotional dumps is where I’m heading if I can’t nail it soon. If Drew had been yelling at me like Matt did yesterday, I wouldn’t feel like such a failure. But between his kindness and the fact that his taut, defined muscles disturbed my concentration more times than not, I feel like I’m letting them all down. I mean, it isn’t totally my fault. Since when are chefs supposed to look this hot and athletic? And his eyes, don’t get me started on the way his gray eyes reflect the greens and the blues in the sea and the way his mouth curls up when he smiles. Dammit. I’m doing it again.

“Hey, Greer, where did you go just then? If you want to say no, that’s cool, you’ll only hurt my feelings just a little bit.” Cue panty dropping smile. Fuck me.

Laughing lightly and shaking off my depressing thoughts, I bump my shoulder into his. “I would love to get out of here, and I don’t even care where we’re going. I’ve got to change first and take a shower though. Where do you want me to meet you after?”

“Do you know where the employee parking lot is?” At my nod, he continues, “My Jeep is parked out there. There aren’t that many vehicles, so you won’t be able to miss it. If half an hour is enough time for you, then I’ll meet you out there.”

Thirty minutes is absolutely not enough time, but I’m committed to making it work if it means I get to spend time with him. I’ll just have to borrow—okay, steal—some of that ridiculously overpriced anti-frizz serum Chelsea never travels without and hope that my natural waves won’t make me look like the blonde version of Sideshow Bobsince I don’t have time to blow dry my hair. Normally I wouldn’t even care about shit like what my hair looks like, but Drew is always so immaculate and put together, even after an entire day in the resort kitchens.

“See you there,” I call out over my shoulder as I run away from him. I’m not one for running normally, becauseboobs,but there’s no avoiding it with this kind of time crunch that he’s put me under.

I’m breathing heavily as I make it to the door that will lead me up to my room. The sight of Tristan in front of my sister with her backed up against the wall and his hands up her skirt doesn’t even surprise me at this point. I only hope they are gone by the time I come back down the stairs, because I really don’t want to see them fucking. Seeing him drill my mother had been traumatizing enough, and I don’t really need more fodder for my nightmares that are centered around his pale, flexing ass cheeks. I also don’t want to have to answer questions about where I’m off to.

I mentally go through all of my outfits while washing my hair and decide not to go with anything fancy that might make him think that I assume this is a date when it’s clearly not, and we are just two friends hanging out spending time together. Despite Brady and Matt telling me that Drew is into me, and despite that moment we had when he was taking that splinter out of my finger, Drew has been friendly, but he hasn’t done anything to make me think that he’s interested in anything more.

I’m out of the shower in record time. I fix my hair into a loose side braid because there’s no time to blow dry it—and I don’t want to risk running into Chelsea if I go to her room looking for that serum—then I go to dig through my closet.

Keeping things simple, I select a white tank top and cute black short shorts. I put on mismatched bra and panties, but they match my outfit—white bra, black panties. They are simple but slightly lacy, and very comfortable.

There’s no time for makeup, which is fine because he’s already spent time with me today with me wearing none, and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t repulsed by my face.

I slip some flip-flops on my feet and grab my bag, then I’m out the door with five minutes to spare.

I stop to lock my door because I don’t want to come back to Chelsea lounging on my bed or in my roomsat all.

Thankfully her and our mother’s boy toy are nowhere to be seen on my way out of the building.

It doesn’t take me long to make it to the employee lot, and I sigh in relief when I realize I made it in just under the thirty minute mark. I hate it when they make assumptions about me just because my family is rich. That doesn’t mean I’m prissy, and the sooner they realize it the better off they’ll all be because it’ll mean I can stop telling them off about it.

Drew is beside a black, older model Jeep with no top or doors. I immediately love it and know it’ll be awesome to ride in. Having the wind in my hair and the sun kissing my skin sounds amazing.

He’s wearing brown cargo shorts and a burnt orange T-shirt with a palm tree and a sunset on the beach on it. It’s clearly been worn, washed, and loved for a very long time because it’s faded in places and there’s a small hole in the front right bottom corner that I can tell isn’t there for style. He’s got black flip-flops on his feet, and his eyes are covered with aviator sunglasses.

When I get close enough to him, he takes my hand without a word and guides me around to the passenger seat. He helps me climb up into the Jeep and moves around the hood.

I dig through my bag, pull out my own pair of fabulous sunglasses, and slip them on over my nose as Drew climbs in on the driver’s side, getting behind the wheel. He slides the key into the ignition, and the Jeep roars to life far louder than I thought it was going to be.

He smiles apologetically as he shrugs at me. “Sorry, babe. She runs well, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t need some work done because she does. She’s probably going to die before I’ll ever have the cash to fix her up, but I’m going to love her every day until then.”

He cruises out of the lot as I quickly buckle my seatbelt into place and give it a tug just to make sure it’s secure. At least that part works correctly.

I could totally say that we cruise in companionable silence along the beautiful coast of Coral Cove and it wouldn’t be a total lie. The sun is shining, and the breeze blowing in from the sea carries the scent of the ocean, making me feel alive and so lucky to be going on an adventure with the handsome man in the driver’s seat.

Drew is the polar opposite of Matt. I admire the relaxed yet confident way he controls the car with one hand on the steering wheel and one of his toned, corded arms resting on the back of my seat.

His tan skin looks so soft and smooth that I’m itching to touch it, and I’m dying to run my fingers through the defiant lock of dark brown hair that keeps falling onto his forehead.