Page 70 of Summer Heat

Chelsea stands on her obnoxiously high heels and struts toward me. She stands directly in front of me and slams her hands down on her narrow hips. “You seriously owe me, Greer. I covered for you with Mom and Dad and told them that you weren’t feeling well. The least you can do to pay me back is tell me who you’re sneaking around with. I’d like to know so I know who to avoid. If they are into doing it with you, then they have some seriously low standards and I’m better than that.”

I close my eyes, count to ten, and pray for patience I don’t have when it comes to my sister.

Opening my eyes, I straighten my spine and attempt to stare her down, even though, let’s face it, whoever invented the expression resting bitch face must have been acquainted with Chelsea. “Thank you for covering for me, Chel. That was very kind and unexpected of you. But I don’t owe you anything, and who I choose to spend my time with is none of your business. Can’t you just be happy that you know it’s not Tristan and leave this alone?”

Leavemealone is what I really I want to say, but I manage to shut my mouth before it can come out.

Chelsea sneers at me. “Just because you weren’t panting after him this time doesn’t mean you won’t be the first chance you get.”

I love her, really I do, but I’m honestly beginning to question the level of her intellect because she’s just not getting it, and I don’t know what to do or say to make her see sense.

She sidles up beside me and grabs my arm, digging her nails in and dragging me away from the door. I stumble to the side as she jerks open the door.

She tosses her hair over her shoulder as she looks back at me with narrowed eyes. “It’s okay to play with them, Greer, just so long as they know that’s all it is. But a friendly piece of advice? Make sure you make them wear a condom becauseeveryonelikes to play with the staff here. You really don’t want to catch something nasty, and if you end up knocked up, not only Daddy will think you’re a disappointment. People like Brady are just fun for a dirty summer, for a surfing lesson with a happy ending. I saw you following around that waiter, Jamie, the other night, and while he isn’t as hot as my favorite surfing instructor, he’s more your speed. Have your fun, but be careful, or you’ll never land yourself a catch like I have with Tristan.”

With that, she saunters out of my room, letting the door slam shut behind her.

That thing I said earlier about loving her? Well, I now wish to recant that thought because there’s a good chance I despise her. The fact that she believes she has one chance in hell with Brady makes me want to gag.

I rush to lock the door behind her because I really can’t risk her coming back in here again. Matt said twenty minutes, and I don’t want to make him wait out there for me half the night just because my sister is an asshole.

The curtains are already open, so it’s just a matter of unlocking the door and sliding it open. Sadly, I don’t spend enough time out here on my balcony because I don’t like being on display for people to stare at.

Matt steps out of the shadows and stares right up at me. I raise my fingers to my lips, press a kiss to them, and fling it down at him. He grins at me as he pretends to catch it out of the air. Hopefully after what happened tonight, he’s going to stop thinking that he isn’t good enough for me. I keep my eyes on his tall form, remembering how gentle his huge hands can be on me.

The door down below bangs open, and Matt quickly turns away and heads up the path that will take him back to his cottage.

I’m sad to see him go, but I understand why our relationship needs to be kept in the dark. At least until we kick everyone’s ass at the competition.

Well, more likely the guys will kick ass and I’ll try not to drown or get eaten by a shark.