Page 51 of Summer Heat

A loud crash out in the room with the exercise equipment has us both flinching apart as if we were doing something wrong.

He jumps up to his feet and sloshes his way over to the steps. I’m hot on his heels as we climb up the steps and out of the hot tub. We both grab fresh towels and wrap them around our dripping wet bodies in a rush.

I’m sure I can talk my way out of a lot of things, but with Brady being in here with me, I can’t risk getting us caught. He needs his job, and if he’s found in here with me by certain guests, I’m sure they’ll make a bigger deal out of this and try to get him fired. The staff is not allowed to hang out in these areas unless they are working, I should have never brought him in here.

It’s one thing for me to spend my free time down at the staff’s quarters. It’s an entirely different thing for them to be caught in ours. I could care less, because it’s not like anyone was even using the space before I found it, but there’s a certain type of clientele who stays here that would absolutely not appreciate finding a lowly member of the staff soaking in a hot tub and spreading their blue-collar germs in a place where they might want to park their filthy rich asses.

Mom and Chelsea are the prime example of that kind of attitude. The whole thing disgusts me, and I hate knowing that my family is like that.

Brady grabs my bag and stuffs our towels from the beach inside. Smart, we shouldn’t leave them here for someone to find as evidence of us being here. I don’t need anything to be traced back to Brady.

A peek through the small window has me wanting to throw up, and then I’m instantly battling against my tears.

“What—” Brady whispers as he leans around my shoulder to look out the window. “Oh fuck, Greer,” he curses viciously under his breath. “I’m so sorry you had to see that. There’s a back exit in here. Let’s use it and get you out of here.”

Once again, Brady takes hold of my hand, but this time it feels more like a lifeline than anything else.

I hold onto his hand tightly, never wanting to let him go.

I cry silently the entire way back to my suite.

I don’t cry for me. I cry for my dad who’s the very best man I know, and he absolutely did nothing to ever deservethat.

I cry for the family that I may be a part of, even though I’ve never felt like I fully belonged, but now I know that I never ever will because there’s no way for us to be a real family again after that betrayal. There’s no way for us to be whole.

I cry the most, though, because it hits me that I’m no longer a child and the next chapter in my life, myadult life,is starting, but the actions of my parents can still break something vital inside of me.


Her tears are breaking my heart.

I never wanted to believe she was genuine or that there wasn’t some type of game at play simply to occupy the rich girl’s time for the summer with a pet project.

After spending the entire evening with her, though, I now know that Greer isn’t anything like that. She’s the real deal. I think I knew that before tonight, but I’ve been fighting it like a motherfucker.

But watching her breakdown in silence after getting an eyeful of Tristan with Mrs. Manning bent over a workout bench while he fucked her from behind is truly painful to see.

She didn’t get mad or throw a tantrum or do anything I would expect from a girl in her position.

No. She fucking cameapartin silence.

I hate it for her, and if I could take away her pain, I’d do it in a heartbeat without a second thought.

She clings to my arm as I guide us out the door marked “Exit.” There’s no way to get in with this door, it really is just an exit only, and we’re back outside. She clings to me as I guide us around the building and to the door that will take us right up to the rooms she shares with her repulsive sister.

She doesn’t try to stop me as I dig her keys out of her bag and let us inside the suite. She also doesn’t react when I use her keys to unlock her door and let us inside her room. She just keeps silently crying like she’s emotionally breaking down.

We might not have talked about it, but I know we’re all very well aware of where this beautiful girl sleeps at night. We’ve all probably followed her back here a time or two without her knowing just so we knew she got home safe—not just when she left us, but likely every night.

I’m careful with her bag as I set it down beside the door, and I’m very careful not to disturb anything in her space. She’s got little stacks of books here and there, but that’s really her only personal touch to the room.

It’s a stark reminder that this is summer vacation for this girl and not her home. I don’t even know where her homeis.

“Greer, honey, I know this is bad, but I’m going to need you to work with me here. You need to take a shower and then get into some pajamas. I don’t think you want me to help you with that, but I will have to if you don’t snap out of it.”

That does it, and she finally pulls away from me. She beelines it for the bathroom without looking back.

I grab my phone and send a text to the group chat I’m in with the guys. Matt responds immediately, and as much as it pains me to leave her like this for even a second, I grab her keys and lock her door behind me.