Page 46 of Summer Heat

She’s so stubborn and so fucking cute at the same time. “You can take it! I’m telling you to do it.”

Matt seems reluctant to accept the fact that we can’t take a handout. “The guys are right, Greer. A sponsor gets something in return for his investment. With you this isn’t the case, so we can’t just take your money.”

“Let’s make it a loan then! You’ll pay me back after you win!”

Drew tries to reason with her. “What if we don’t win? Greer, the three of us don’t have two cents to rub together. We’re all repaying student loans and helping our families in every way we can. If we could guarantee a loan, we’d have gotten one from the bank. So thank you for believing in us, it seriously means a lot, but we can’t take a loan that we might never be able to repay if we don’t win.”

She thinks about it for a few moments, and then she nods. “Okay. But you’d take that money if I got something in return?”

The point is moot, so we all agree.

“Then it all works out. You’re going to take the money and win the race. In exchange for my help, you’ll give me surfing lessons.”

I do my best not to laugh. She looks so hopeful. But we really can’t take advantage of her. “But you can book all the lessons you want through the resort,” I remind her. “I work for your dad. You don’t have to pay me extra for lessons and definitely not ten grand.”

The determination in her voice is cute and sexy at the same time. “But your schedule is full. You’re practically booked up until the end of the summer. So take it as a payment for extra lessons anytime you aren’t training. Actually, I could learn a lot by watching you guys train and you could all teach me how to surf, so I won’t take up all your time, Brady.”

I object, but I sound weak, even to my own ears. “Surfing lessons wouldn’t cost you ten grand, Greer.”

Greer disagrees. “One-on-one, round the clock instruction? There are personal trainers in LA that would charge even more than that. And if you do win, you can still pay some of it back. It’s a calculated risk the way I see it. At worst, I’ll be surfing like a goddess when I get to Bridgeport!”

When I’m about to cave, Drew gives us all a reality check. “That would be awesome, and it would be fun to teach you how to surf, but even with the ten grand, we’re still out of the race.”

My brother is fucking right.

“Why?” Greer asks.

Matt groans, explaining how we’re having the worst fucking luck this summer. “Fuck. I hadn’t thought about it, but Drew is right. The competition enrolls teams of four, and our fourth just got injured.” He points out Jamie’s sling. “He won’t be better in time for the race, and even if he was, he’d be out of shape after a whole month out of the water.”

She thinks about it. “Can’t you find someone to replace him? Even someone who doesn’t work here? Like a friend?”

I can’t stop myself from barking out a laugh. “People on this island have to work for a living, baby, especially in the summer. Everyone at the resort is too busy. All our friends and family often work two jobs. They have no time for a surfing competition, especially if they’d have to train at that level.”

She still won’t accept that we’re fucked. It’s sexy and annoying at the same time.

“Come on, I’m sure if you think hard enough, you’ll find someone.”

I laugh, because she’s so fucking wrong. “I told you, it’sno bueno. Everyone’s too busy. Unless you want to do it.”

Suddenly there’s silence on our little portion of the beach, so much so that I can hear the sea kissing the shore just a few feet away.

Jamie is the first one who talks. “That isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard. There’s no rule against coed teams.”

I wonder if he hit his head with his fall too. There’s no other fucking explanation. “You’re fucking kidding me, right? She just asked me to teach her how to surf!”

For once, Greer agrees. “Brady’s right, Jamie. I’ve never even tried.”

I snort at that statement. “See? There’s no way she could learn in just over a month. You heard her, she’s completely green.”

To my surprise, Drew and Matt don’t immediately dismiss the idea.

“She’s a confident swimmer though,” Matt muses. “I saw her a few times both in the sea and at the pool.”

Drew nods, looking up and down Greer’s soft, petite body. “And she has a great sense of balance and rhythm. I’ve seen her dancing a few times with the group of douches.”

Greer takes a step back, stumbling on the sand, and I grab her forearms to keep her from falling, letting go of the envelope with the cash. “I can’t. I’ve never even been on a surfboard.”

I look at my best friends, who have obviously lost their goddamn minds. “Did you hear that? She has no fucking idea how to—”