Page 40 of Summer Heat

And this Carly girl, don’t even get me started.

“Did you make any promises to her before you hooked up with her or give her any reason to believe you wanted to date her?”

“No,” he mutters angrily without looking at me.

Yeah, I get it, this can’t be all that fun to talk to me, the poor little rich girl, about.

“Then stop blaming yourself for that. People hook up all the time and nothing comes of it. Big deal,” I say confidently.

Not that I have any actual experience about it, but Brady doesn’t know that. “This Carly person shouldn’t have gotten her father involved. If it was consensual and no promises were made, then going to her father was low on her part. The man should have never been involved. She obviously wanted to hurt you. Now, about this—”

“Just like that?” he scoffs, cutting me off. “You make it sound so simple.”

“Just find another sponsor. Why is this surfing competition so important anyway?”

Why does everything need to be a competition amongst men? Why can’t they just enjoy themselves while doing something they clearly love and keep their eyes on their own damn papers?

“I was going to ask Mr. Manning, but he’s already sponsoring your bestie, Tristan.”

Oh boy. The hostility in his voice makes me shiver. Maybe I’m a freak because it kind of excites me as well.

“We want to win. That prize money would help us. The boys and me, Greer, we’ve got a dream. Some people want fancy shit out of life—expensive cars, designer clothes, the best of everything money can buy. We don’t give a shit about any of that. We want to live a happy, fulfilling life here on this island where we can do the things we love and live a life we’re proud of. We want to work for ourselves and still be able to go surfing when we want to and not be afraid of getting fired and going hungry or having the lights cut out because we can’t afford to pay the electricity bill. This is all shit that you’ll never have to worry about, so you probably don’t get it. Losing that sponsor meant no ten grand, which means no competition, which means no shot whatsoever at the prize money that would help us buy Sam’s Shack. Our dreams were flushed down the toilet all because of my stupid choices. Do you have any bright ideas on how to fix that?” he asks almost aggressively.

I sit there frozen and watch him storm off, getting farther and farther away from me. Of course he sways and stumbles as he goes because he’s still drunk off his ass.

They are all right, in a sense. We don’t share the same problems and likely never will. But that doesn’t mean I can’t help them or at the very least help them find a solution to their problems. Which is exactly what I plan on doing. Because I can apparently never leave well enough alone.

No one should ever have to sound so heart broken and have to give up on their dreams because of a hookup—which is something most people our ages do—and a spiteful brat.

“Hi!” A pretty girl smiles a mean girl, fake smile at me as she sits down gracefully in Brady’s swing. “Did I see Brady running out of here? Where’s the fire?” She laughs hysterically at her dumb joke.

Can it even be called a joke? Likely not. I just know it wasn’t funny.

Another drunk person. Looks like it’s time for me to get my behind back to the safety of my own room for the night.

“Did he say where he was going?”

I know where I plan on going, somewhere that’s not here or anywhere near this chick.

“Hello. Maybe you have some kind of stranger danger thing going on, so I’ll go first if it’ll get me what I want. I don’t like it when people don’t give me what I want, you’ve been warned. I’m Carly—”

My head twitches to the side at hearing her name, and I miss whatever it is she’s babbling on about.

Just how many Carlys did my father employ, and what are the chances that this is the exact same one that Brady was just telling me about?

It’s dumb luck any way you look at it.

I smile at her a lot like how she smiled at me when she sat down. “Greer Manning, that’s my name, and if you’re not careful, you’re going to find yourself fired.”

I walk away to the sound of her sputtering.

Guess I have more of my sister in me than I ever thought. Good to know.

It’s a shame no one noticed my outfit. I guess that just means I’ll have to wear it again.