Page 37 of Summer Heat

A Bag of Ice


Iwalk down the sandy trail to the cottage behind Drew’s in a foul mood.

How dare they spend all night acting like I did not exist. Two of them have stuck their tongues inside my mouth. Hell, one of them happened just today! And the other one, there’d been a moment when I had desperately wanted him to kiss me.

And now they think to simply ignore me?

I want to be angry, but the truth is I’m really hurt by their actions. This hot one second then cold the next is really starting to get old.

I want to know why they are treating me this way, and I want it to stop. If they don’t like me, then fine, I can get over that.


Okay, probably not.

But really just tell me already. Be real and honest with me. Don’t play games with me and then try to make me feel like I’m some kind of inferior being because I was born into a wealthy family and raised with money.

It’s not fair of them to treat me like that, and really, I’ve had about enough of it.

Between Chelsea’s constant asshole behavior toward me, Tristan’s outrageous bullcrap, and my mother’s constant put-downs, I am honestly fed up with my own damn behavior.

They were assholes, yes, but I kept my mouth shut like the good little daddy’s girl I’m expected to be, and I allowed them to walk all over me that way.

I don’t want to be everyone’s doormat or punching bag, so I’ve decided to start with tonight and these guys I’m secretly becoming obsessed with.

Man, these cottage parties sure aren’t like any kind of party I have been to before, and they certainly don’t look like anything we would ever have up at the main building and where the guests’ quarters are located.

At school there had been some parties in dorm rooms with stolen alcohol or alcohol that had been bought with someone’s fake ID. Those were not fun, and I felt awkward and far more comfortable tucked away in my own dorm room with a book and some hot chocolate or tea.

And my parents’ parties—gah, don’t even get me started on those dull affairs.

But this? It’s certainly not that. And I haven’t even made it all the way to the cottage just yet, but I can see it.

It’s all lit up with Christmas lights, and there’s even a fake palm tree covered in lights in the front yard.

“Shit,” someone curses as they bump into me, and I stumble to the side. “Sorry, girly. Want to give me a hand? I’ve only got two, and right now I could use a few more.”

This guy is attractive, but he doesn’t trip my trigger the way a certain chef, driver, and surf instructor do. But his smile is friendly and puts me at ease.

He’s also got an armful of bags of ice, and there’s currently one sitting in the sand at his feet. He arches his eyebrows and grins playfully at me.

“Come on, pretty lady. Help a brother out. When we get inside, I’ll even make you a drink as a thank you. Or maybe we should just stick with beer. I thought once upon a time I wanted to be a bartender, but then I realized not everyone likes shots and that’s about all I’m good for, so you really don’t want me to make you a drink. Stick with the beer. Shots will get you naked though.”

He winks at me.

I really hope this isn’t his attempt at flirting with me. I don’t need another guy to either fixate on or set their sights on me, but I could really use another friend.

I pick the bag up from the spot he indicated at his feet and almost drop it immediately. It’s freaking cold, and the skin where it’s pressing against my arms feels like it’s burning. How the heck is he standing there with multiple bags in his arms?

“Hurry!” I urge as I practically sprint up the rest of the trail. His laughter follows me all the way up the trail and right up to the stoop at the front door.

“Just go inside. It’s not like if you knock someone’s going to answer the door with that music blaring. You’re not a vampire, are you? Do you need to be invited inside?”

Oh, this one has jokes.

I grin at him over my shoulder as I turn the doorknob and shove the door open with my hip. I stumble inside and step to the side, allowing him entrance so I can follow behind him since I have no idea where we are going.