Page 31 of Summer Heat

He’s been doing things like this all day, and with every shop we went to, he got a little bit bolder and a little bit touchier. It was nothing inappropriate if we really were just friends out for the day and he wasn’t my chauffeur. My mother would not approve of his touchy-feely behavior with her daughter, and I really hope none of those people from the shops we visited today reported back to her.

“I hope you like pizza, because we’re going to an arcade up the street that makes the best pizza on the island. Don’t tell Drew I said that. He takes shit like that way too personally,” he says with an amused glint in his eyes when he mentions his friend.

At the mention of pizza, my stomach growls loudly, and I laugh as I place my hand over the poor, sad empty thing. “Pizza sounds good.” So does everything else he’s saying.

This is the lightest I’ve felt since before getting on that plane, and Matt is entirely the reason for it. He’s made a day I had been dreading into the best one I’ve had since coming to the island.

And he’d been such a dick to me before, it’s almost unbelievable.

We park in front of a building attached to a sprawling cement lot that appears to be some sort of skate park. There are only a couple of people cruising around on skateboards, most of them looking like guys in their late teens and early twenties.

I don’t wait for Matt to open my door this time, and I step out of the car.

Matt opens his door and steps out. He takes his silly cap off and tosses it down on the front seat. His jacket comes off next and lands on top of his cap. He unbuttons his shirt at the wrists and rolls both sleeves up to his elbows.

I hum happily under my breath at the sight of his tan skin as it’s revealed to me. He’s broader than Drew and Brady, and more beefed up than his two friends. Even his forearms are thick and veiny. He’s deliciously muscular in a way where it’s obvious he spends an ungodly amount of time working out at the gym. He’s definitely not the type of guy I thought I would find myself so incredibly attracted to, but damn... maybe I don’t know anything about what I really find attractive, because I’m looking at Matt with the same lust and arousal coursing through my body that’s there whenever I’m around Drew and Brady.

Does that make me slutty or just confused? How does one go from never even noticing guys to finding not one but three guys absolutely irresistible?

I startle when Matt takes my hand in his, threading our fingers together. He pulls me along beside him, only letting go of my hand to open the door for both of us. As soon as we step inside, he takes my hand in his again and giddiness fills me up inside.

It’s almost like we’re on a date or something.

I’m sure if he caught a drift of my thoughts right now, he’d be horrified and would go straight back to being a dick, but I haven’t had this much fun in… forever, really. So maybe I can pretend that we are on a date, just for now, because I’m sure that once we get back to the resort, I’ll turn back into a pumpkin and Matt will be back to his normal, surly self. The idea that he’s being so nice to me because my mother told him to hits me like a freight train, and I shake my head, chasing it out of my mind. Mom told Matt to be a gentleman, but he didn’t have to apologize for his behavior yesterday, so I relax again.

Matt waves at the hostess who greets him by name, and they start talking like old friends. He doesn’t try to introduce me, and that’s fine, I don’t mind. I’ve had my fill of watching women flirt with him today, and I’m not interested in seeing any more of it.

She leads us to a half circle booth and leaves us with a friendly smile and two menus.

“Brady dated her in high school. She’s just an old friend.” Matt smirks at me as if he knows that I’m jealous and thinks it’s cute. There’s nothing cute about that particular green-eyed monster.

What is happening here?

It’s like I’ve entered theTwilight Zonewith him today. Either that or he’d been visited by aliens in the night, thoroughly probed, and woke up with a whole new personality.

It’s bizarre, I tell you.

Ignoring the smug look on his face, I pick up the menu and pretend it’s the most fascinating thing I’ve ever looked at in my whole entire life.

“What do you like on your pizza?”

Why does that feel like such a personal question? “Cheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage, mushrooms, and black olives,” I quickly rattle off.

“Onions?” he asks, and I scrunch my nose up in disgust. Something about the texture really turns me off. He grins easily. “Right, so no onions. How do you like your crust?”

I shrug, and he plucks the menu out of my hands just as a waiter magically appears at the end of our table.

“To start, we’ll take an order of breadsticks, an order of onion rings, and an order of fried pickles. Then we’ll have a large pizza, thin crust, with extra cheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage, and mushrooms.” He frowns at me apologetically. “Sorry, babe, but I don’t do olives.”

Guess that explains the onion rings. I shrug. “That’s okay. Can I get a Sprite as well?”

“Yeah,” he says to me before turning back to the waiter and handing him the menus. “My girl will take a Sprite, and I’ll have a Coke. Also, don’t skimp on the dipping sauces.”

“Gotcha,” the waiter says before disappearing with the menus.

“So, Greer, since it’s just you and me here, tell me something about yourself that no one else knows.”

And just like that, I don’t have to pretend so hard this is a date when he asks me questions like that.